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Random Party

Ok, unfortunately this site has become a little dead, as like all the other RP sites have scince school started back... but we can't let that happen to WRP. So I'm starting a random thread. Say anything random, just no spam, of course.

So go get random!

Well first off, I just got AIM for the first time, plus I am going to be getting an upgrade to Windows XP today. I simply can't wait! Also I am getting over my cold that I've had for a while. I hate being sick.


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Random Stuff ... Hmmm.

I'm glad that you're getting better Silv. Means that you won't have to be cooped up in your house all day.

Me? Not much is happening. I have 3 days left of a 2 week school holiday, and I'm bored. Holidays suck, I prefer school better.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!


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Yes I totally agree... I would rather be at school with friends than at home with nothing to do. Especially when I have nothing to do except browse the 'net.

Well, I didn't get that upgrade like I wanted, hopefully I will tomorrow.

I am really tired right now, and I don't know why. Maybe it is the wheather? It is raining here right now, really bad. There is a huge storm warning over the area.


Flame Wolf

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I will not be on fall break intil monday. I only have one week out of school.

I am so very tired swim season just started and I very out of shape.

Storms are so much fun!



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You're out of shape? Wow you ran my butt into the ground the other night! I could barely keep up with you! I mean I get tired easily. And you never seemed to get tired.

Oh well.

Turns out I got a sinus infection from the cold I had. Joy joy.


Flame Wolf

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Well, hi there!

I have YIM, not AIM. Sadly. But if anyone ever wants to talk to me my email is: and my YIM is pupower197 as well. Add me! =)

Anyhow, I just had a very crappy end of the week, except for one little things that kept my heart beating. It lasted for only a couple seconds, but, hey, atleast something good finally happened to me.

Heh, well enough about this stuff. It'll just make me think about it more. I have a volley-ball game tomorrow morning, and a school carnival in the evening. Wish me luck.

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Flame Wolf

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I am sorry silver I did not mean to make you run that much I was just was exciteted. Get better soon.

Good Luck, Tibby


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Flame Wolf

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Thanks, Windrunner. Unfortunatly, we lost. Our first two sets were horrible, but we atleast won our last set but about 8 points. I have to get this hari dye out of my hair... Lime green and purple. I went to a carnival last night and I just really didn't want to stick out from all the other colorful heads.

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I have only ever dyed my hair once. And it was to get light blonde highlights. They've washed out now, and my hair is back to normal, gold-blonde. Alot of people say I'm lucky to have that color hair, but I don't see why.

Hello everyone! My computer is messed up! Nothing works except Yahoo messenger and I have to fight the computer to open soemthing, then it won't close! My computer has a virus! All from popups! Then my computer freezes ande makes a clicking noise, and then a voice comes on asking me for my name and adress! This really stinks!


Flame Wolf

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This is the second time I've dyed my hair. One time I put black streaks in my hair, but this time it's just green and purple streaks. Lol. My hair's a golden-blonde as well, and it reaches the middle of my back when I keep it down...

Didn't you say you just got web cam and that stuff, Silv? Was your connection all wierd before you got that?

(I haven't talked to my brother yet, but I'm guessing he'll be awake soon...)

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Well, I did get a webcam, but it's hooked up to my sister's computer, not mine.

My hair is a bit past my shoulder. My mom says I need a haircut. But that's just because it was shorter before, and it grew out over the past like... I don't know. A long time. But I love my hair. ^^

Right now I'm sort of mad. I mean, my computer is totally screwed. And I can't get another. I'm about to scream! Plus I really liked my computer. It was a good computer up until lately. I don't know what got into it, but it just went wakoo with popups, and then it started being difficult, and then just recently it died. Just like that. So I won't be on Yahoo messenger anytime soon.


Flame Wolf

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I have never die my hair. I am a red head. I like my hair color.

No your computer can not die it has aim on it noooooooooo.


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Flame Wolf

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My hair is ultra thick. I take a lot of time just making it untangled in the morning, and before I go to bed. It's... High maintnance(Sp.), Lol.

I like to dye my hair. I just wish I had black hair, because the colors I like never go with blonde. xD

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OMG, my hair can be a total headache sometimes! It gets frizzy easily, and then it just poofs out like a static explosion. Especially when it is really humid outside. And then I put it in a pony tail, but I don't think I look that good in a ponytail. But I wear one alot anyways.

Yeah, my computer is dead. It was like seven years old anyways. But guess what? I have wonderful glorious spectacular news! I just got a laptop! It is kind of old, but I got one nevertheless. I just have to fix it... and put windows XP on it. And then hook it up to the internet. But this time I'm getting some good quality anti virus stuff, like maybe Norton. But Norton is annoying. Oh well.


Flame Wolf

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Yay! Good for you Silver

My hair is not as bad as your guys hair sounds like I use just leave it down, put it in a pony tail or braid it. I never really have any problems except went swim season is going on i can never get the chorine smell out of my hair, and it will stick together and at the end of swim season I using have out get an inch or more cut off because the end are so bad, I can never let my hair grow long.


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My hair used to but down to be all the way down past my back before I cut it off.

The RP is dead! I am about to cry. I love the Firey Hearts pack and I never want that thread to die. But it looks like it is about to. *cries*

My last post in that thread may be a bit choppy towards the end, my sister was tryiong to kick me off the computer. She is so annoying.


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Well ... I'm finally back at school. Thank god! As you might be able to tell ... I hate holidays! They're so boring.

Hmm ... my hair is weird as well. Originally it was blonde, but now it's going brown. Currently, it has a mix. It's blonde-brown, but the blonde is more noticeable on the topmost layer of my hair. Weird. The thickness varies. It's not ultra-thick, but its not thin ... if you get my drift.

As for dying my hair ... I wish I had black hair. Or a really dark red. Or copper tones. Sorry ... a lot of choices thesedays.

My new favourite colours are Red and Black. When I remember, I'll scan some pictures that I drew ... and show you my emotional status. My friends call me crazy.

Ummm ... you guys ain't gonna wanna hear this ... but I'll tell you anyways. Recently (actually, about a month and a half ago) I cut my wrist. Yeah, I know, I know. It's bad. But, I'm telling you this now - it's the first and last time that I'm going to do it. My wrist hurt everytime that I touched it. I'm not exactly sure why I did it. I was in my science class ... and I guess I just got bored. Mind you - the teacher was sitting on a desk two places away from me ... and he didn't even notice. And, to top it all off ... I now have a scar where I cut myself. So everytime that I look at my right wrist, I see this scar ... that'll remind me what I did to myself.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!


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Psy, I don't know what makes people want to do these things. A few weeks ago I wanted to do the same thing. But the thing is, I'm a whimp. I would never be able to do it. I wanted to once, and I was tempted, but I remembered one thing: the Bible says that we are a temple for praising God. If we hurt ourselves, we are hurting a temple pf God. Or at least my thought pattern was something like that. My mind is not working right now so I can't exacly remember what it was.

Look, whatever you do, you are my friend and you'll be my friend even if you go goth or something like that. Same for everyone elso on this site. Sometimes everything in life seems to be against you, I know how it feels.

I can't believe I just admitted all of that. xD


Flame Wolf

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I believe we all have those times when suicide is wanted, but like you Silv, I am always too whimpy. How easy it would be to just slit your wrists and call it done, but think of the people you love and the people who love you. Don't worry, Silv. <3

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Wow, that was a long time ago. It's been my turn to post all along. xD Thanks for your support.

Anyways, how is everything going with everyone? Things are great here... I mean, fantastic. There was a time where I was about to sink into depression, but thanks to my friends and myself, I've gotten over it. Remember, as Tala says, life is just a mental game. You can convince yourself that dogs fly and pigs lay eggs if you wanted to.

It is raining right now outside, I love rain, it is so beautiful.


Flame Wolf

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"A boy gives a girl 12 roses. One is fake. He says, 'I will love you until the last rose dies.'"

That was on a siggy at ww. I just love it. And I can't get over it.

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I've become a poetry person. The only bad thing is I only write when I am depressed, which results in all emo poems... lol. I seriously could become emo.

But I won't. Anyways, how is everyone? I've not been very good with keeping up with posts lately... sorry...


Flame Wolf

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Wow, I have not post here in a long time. I never really post here much I don't know why ????????????????????

O well, like silver said how is everyone ?

I myself and swamp with homework.


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Flame Wolf

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O.O Don't go emo on me, Silv, you're a happy little girl. Remember that. =3 lol.




Note: Silver, I hope things straighten out, with Donny and all that depressing stuff you said at AtC.

*Cries for you*

Where is Psy?!



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PSY!!! Come back!!! The pack needs your guidance!!!

No worries, my friends wouldn't let me go emo. I am grounded right now, as Tibby said, I hope I get ungrounded soon. I can't take much more of this. xD


Flame Wolf

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Sliver is still grounded sadly

Psy come back I really don't know you that well but like Sliver said

Silverwolf22 wrote:

PSY!!! Come back!!! The pack needs your guidance!!!


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Psy we miss you...

If you don't come back then we will die without you...

Please help us revive this site! This beloved site! The site who was the first wolf roleplay site I ever joined and whom I am very fond of, I would even devote part of my life to it!


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I'm back! ... been having a hard time lately what with my new school schedule and everything ... but I am here now.

Pics for you all ... rather depressed at the 'mo.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!


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I love 'em. Mainly the red one with the swirly thingy's, and the heart book pic. Nice.

Right now I'm dealing with a myspace addiction, plus other things... like Psy said she was depressed so am I. But not as much as I have been before though, thankfully. Thanks to my music. Which my mom hates. And wants to take away from me. But that won't happen.

Anyways, I wonder who the next person to post something will be...


Flame Wolf

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Cool PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Feel Like I Am Going A Hundred Miles An Hour With Speed Bumbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not Fun At All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I want to post pictures of clothes. But I search for clothes and it's all stuff that grandma's and old people wear. I can't find anything cool...

I know! I'll take pics of my favorite jacket or something.

Although if a pedifile sees it... nevermind about the whole thing.


Flame Wolf

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I don't remeber now.

Sliver Sliver Sliver


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I seriously have a phobia of pedifiles.

Wake up WRP! This site is dead! And that makes me sad.


Flame Wolf

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Your not the only one!

Fire Child


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That's it. I'm bringing it back to life. Ok, time to advertise!

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