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Post Info TOPIC: Re-Merged - The Fire Hearts Pack Arises

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Re-Merged - The Fire Hearts Pack Arises

OOC- Ok this is the topic that will continue off of where The other merged thread and Krag Mountain left off. Have fun and please enjoy. Now lets move on to the story shall we.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Seeing that Scarlet was speechless, Silver stepped forward and spoke for her friend. "The pack leader? Your looking at her. Scarlet is the alpha." Hoping that she had not spoken out of place, she stepped back, waiting for a reaction from any of the wolves.


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As Scarlet found her voice she looked strait at her brothers and spoke to them.

"Silver is right.....Cliff and I are the alphas. It would be easier if all of us spoke together.....including Evergreen and the other two wolves up there. Come let us go inside and talk as a whole group that way I can hear everyone's opinion on having new members....or am I mistaken in what you wanted to speak of?" Scarlet said as she began to talk again after the shock of seeing her brothers.

"Yes that is what Bailian and I wanted, although I can not speak for Evergreen, Alonso, and Benup. That is there decision, but I will go and tell them that you are willing to take in new members if they wish to join." Zepher said as he turned around and started up the slope towards Benup and the others.

As he reached them he told them, "Scarlet is willing to take in new members if you want to join, she is wanting to meet with us all inside the cave, something about hearing everyone else's opinion on having new members."

"What! You mean our sister is the alphess of that pack?!?!" Evergreen blurted out none too quietly.

"Yes, and Cliff is the alpha fang. I was surprised to hear this as well. Anyways, do you want to join the pack you guys?" Zepher said looking at the other three.

"Well, you know I am." Evergreen said looking at her brother.

"I had told Evergreen and Alonso earlier that I wanted to, yes." Benup replied.

"I'll give it a try; I'll go wherever you guys go." Alonso said.

With all three responses he turned around to face the pack below. Bailian was still standing down there talking with Scarlet. He barked to get her attention. She looked up and saw that he nodded; she guessed that meant that they wanted to join so she jerked her head towards the opening of the cave, motioning them to follow her and the rest of the pack inside.

As she limped inside, Scarlet thought over how busy a day this had been. It had only been just that morning, or at least it seemed like it, that she had just met Kiki and had been reunited with Cliff and had met up with Silver, Argeon, and Raknop, and then been made alphess of the new formed pack. Out of the ashes of the fire in the Scarred Valley had arisen a hope when three wolves had survived the fire and then come to know three other wolves from the other forest, which had not gotten burnt, and then formed a pack with them. A new life was beginning for all of them. Their fiery hearts had brought them together and had helped them all to survive a lot of disasters and attacks. With their fiery hearts they had overcome all obstacles in their path and had come together to form a pack, new life for a burnt and basically dead land. It was from then on that they had been known as the Fiery Hearts Pack.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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As Silver followed Scar and Kiki into the cave, she knew she ought to go and tell Argeon what all was going on. Without thinking, she bounded joyfully over to his side.

"Argeon, there are new wolves here, and they want to join the pack. Scarlet knows three of them, they are her siblings! Can you believe this? We are going to have new pack members, and this pack is so new itself!" She exclaimed, trembling with excitement. "I cant wait to meet them! Can you?"

"Yes, they look nice." As he said this, all of the wolves began to gather near Argeon and Silver. The two lovers waited anxiously for the meeting to begin.


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As Scarlet took her seat next to Cliff she leaned over to him and whispered in his ear.

"Is it alright if we go for a very short walk later? I need to talk with you about something." Scarlet whispered to him.

He looked at her fondly and his eyes softened and he smiled. Scarlet could tell that that was a yes. She smiled back and then she looked away when she heard the other wolves coming into the cave. She waited until everyone was seated and then she looked back over at Cliff and he nodded. They both stood up, Cliff talked first.

"OK. This pack meeting has officially started. The reason we called this meeting is because we have five new wolves that want to join the pack. Scar and I have welcomed them into the pack. We gathered you all here in one place that way everyone could introduce themselves and tell them what your rank is. Is there anything that you wanted to add to this Scar?" Cliff finished by looking over at his mate.

"Well, there is one thing that I would like to address before we go any further with this meeting. Now I know you all know the reason I am different from everyone else and you all have been very accepting of the fact that I'm albino but now we have another member that is different from the rest of his kind as well. I believe I over heard your name is.......correct me if I am wrong, please.....but I believe you name is Alonso, is it not?" Scarlet said as she turned to Alonso.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Stepping forward, Alonso felt many eyes fall upon him. Dont let it get to you, Alonso. Your not the only one that is different now... and Scarlet does not seem to have any trouble with being the way she is. You have to be brave. He thought, trying to reasure himself. Standing tall, he dipped his head respectfully.

"Yes, my name is Alonso. I know I am different, and I have let that fact get to me in the past, and affect the way I act. I plan to change that." Knowing of nothing else to say, he waited patiently for Scarlet to say something. Though he felt his friends and these strangers staring at him, it did not seem to affect him as much as it usually did.


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"Good. Well, the issue that I wish to address is that since you have been so accepting of me being different, I expect no less from each and every single one of you as far as he is concerned. I will hear no snide comments about any of the new members or their appearance, or anything else. Also, I know Alonso did not hear the remark that was made earlier but I do believe he is owed a public apology, doesn't he, Silver?" Scarlet said trying to make sure everyone knew that she meant business.

She hated having to point her friend out but it needed to be done to make sure none tested her wishes.

OOC- Sorry its so short. I'm a little busy at the moment and I'm having to fuss at someone for something they said to me that didn't settle right.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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OOC: Tis ok, Scar. I'm sure we all understand. (I do, at least.) BIC

Silver, burning with embaressment, stepped forward. "Alonso, though you didnt hear me, I kinda judged you before. I'm sorry." She said, humiliated about being so judgemental. Heck, I deserve this, I was rude and I judged someone before actually meeting them. "It'll never happen again. I was rude." Honestly sorry, she stepped back and took her place beside Argeon, upset at the fact that he and the new wolves had to hear that she would do such a thing.

What a great welcome you've given these newcomers, she thought to herself, they probably think that I am a no-good bully. She stared down at her paws, as Scarlet began to speak again.


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"Thank you Silver. You may sit back down Alonso." Scarlet said looking back at him. As he sat back down again, she began to speak once more, " Now, there is one final thing that I would like to address before everyone introduces themselves.....I would like to comment on Silver......I know that I just made her apologize to Alonso in front of all of you but I only did that because Alonso did deserve an apology. Now I want you all to know that Silver, even though she did jump to conclusions earlier and was judgemental she is a very good wolf. I hope that everyone gets to know everyone and a little about themselves. Silver is one of my best friends, and I know that she learns from her mistakes so please don't think that she does this all the time....I think that is it, so now if you would please stand up when it is your turn to introduce yourselves and then say something about yourself and your rank as well and then sit back down again once you are done.......Oh, and Argeon, you are excused from standing. Just make sure everyone knows where you're at, OK. Now let’s get started." Scarlet said, "I'll start, I am Scarlet Whitetail, or should I say was, I am now Scarlet Greypaw. You may call me Scarlet or Scar for short. I am the alphess and I am an albino Red Wolf." Scarlet said sitting down once she was thru.

"I'm Cliff Greypaw. I am Scarlet's mate. I am the alpha of this pack and I.....well, my favorite meat is deer." Cliff said sitting back down not sure what else to say about himself.

Then it was Silver and Argeon's Turns.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Argeon nodded at Silver, signaling that she could go first. She stood, and smiled strongly.

"I'm Silverpelt, and I am the Beta Femme. You can call me Silver, though. I dont have much to say..." She trailed off, obviously lost for words. She sat down, and Argeon spoke up.

"I'm Argeon. Silver and I are mates, and I am the Beta Fang. Our pack was lost in a forest fire, and a sad story of betrayal left me with a broken leg, as you can see. But that is a long story, perhaps we can tell it later." He said. Silver and Argeon looked over to Raknop and Kiki, who were the next two in the circle of wolves.


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Stepping forwards, Kiki announced "My name is Kiki. I more than likely look like an Arctic Wolf, but the truth is that I'm a Winter Elemental ... I have a little control over the climate and elements associated with winter. My mate..."
"Raknop." Raknop said, filling the gap that Kiki had left. "Myself and Kiki are the Warrior Fang and Femme of this Pack. Basically, it is kinda our job to make sure that all new Wolves are friendly, and do not wish to harm our leaders in any way, shape or form."  
As Raknop finished, Kiki realised she'd forgotten to say something.  
"Oh. Also, I'm the Pack Counsellour. This means that if you have a problem, or you wish to talk about something personal, you can do so with me."   Finished with their introductions, they looked towards Snupsry.  
"My name, is Snupsry." the she-wolf said, hesitantly stepping forwards. "I am a new member to this pack also, and am a Flame Wolf." Finished with her rather hasty introduction, she stepped back.  
Benup then stepped forwards, intent on giving his name at least. "I am Benup ... I don't really have anything else to say." Embarrassed, he moved backwards, looking around at the wolves which he could now call his Pack.

-- Edited by Psycho Wolf at 12:24, 2006-06-28

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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Zepher was sitting beside Benup so he stood up next and looked over at his brother and sister and nodded to them and they both stood up as well. They went down the line saying their names and something about themselves.

"I'm Zepher, and I am Scarlet's brother."

"I'm Bailian, also Scarlet's brother."

"Last bun not least out of the siblings is me. I am Evergreen, Scarlet's sister, and the three of us are new to this pack and we were kicked out of our old one because we stuck up for our sister and after that we set out to find her, and we finally have." Evergreen said, and as she finished all three of then sat down.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Alonso stood up, as he was next in the line. He almost felt the old fear coming back to overwhelm him, but he pushed it aside. He swallowed quickly then began to speak. "Hi, I'm Alonso, as you all already know... and I was a loner until I met Benup, Evergreen, Bailian, and Zepher." Knowing of nothing else to say, he sat down, and looked to the next wolf beside him. It was Scarlet.


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Having already spoken, her being the one to start the go in a circle and say your name bit she stood back up and began to speak of something else.

"Alright, now that everyone knows everybody and a little about them I guess it is time to move onto the last thing for the meeting, and that would be to decide the ranks of the new members. Since it is unfair to just give the ranks without proving that you are worthy of it, I will go ahead and make all five of you flames. As you have been here longer and Cliff, Kiki, and I see you prove yourself worthy of a higher rank then we will move you up. Do you think that is fair, everyone?"

"I think it is reasonable." Evergreen spoke up.

"As do I." Bailian seconded.

Zepher however did not speak, he had hoped to get a good rank because his sister was alphess, and Evergreen and Bailian noticed that he did not speak and decided silently that they would talk to him later.

"OK, now that I have two opinions on the matter are there any others that wish to speak on the matter?"

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Alonso spoke quietly, but loud enough to be heard. "Yes, I think it is a very good idea. It would not be fair if you just gave us a random rank," He said, growing more confident as he spoke.


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Noding his head in agreement, Benup said "Yes. That way it is fair for all, and as we gain respect from our betters, we shall be moved up the pecking order."
Then, realising that he had sounded a little bit on the wise side, he ducked his head in embarrassment.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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Scarlet waited several minuets for anyone else to speak but seeing that no one else wanted to she decided to move on. She kept the last thoughts of those willing to speak up in her mind as she stood up again and began to speak once more.

"OK, now that I have heard the thoughts of everyone willing to speak I will go ahead and officially make you all flames. Now that everything is settled....." she stopped to look toward Cliff who nodded his head to say that everything had indeed been discussed that needed to be. "I will say that this meeting adjourned, everyone may do as they wish.....oh, wait there was one more thing....Snupsry, please show our new members where the meat is kept, and if anyone is hungry then they may go get some food from there, I know most packs have an eating order but I won't really enforce it unless there are pack pups to be fed, then I will, but then and only then. Ok, that's all." Scarlet said as she stood up and watched the pack members go to "their spots" in the cave.

After everyone was away from the meeting area, except for Argeon who couldn't move and Silver who stayed by his side, Scarlet went over to get a drink from the little pond out front, and motioned for Cliff to follow. They began to walk just as they had planned to do after the meeting, and after awhile they came to a big rock where they could watch the setting sun, so they both sat down and began to talk.

At first the talking was nothing but small talk, they were still catching up on things that had happened to one another since Scarlet had been left for dead. After awhile things got quiet though, they had discussed everything that had happened up until they had been reunited, and then some, so Scarlet decided that it was either now or never.

"Hey, Cliff.......I know we have talked about a lot of things since we have been out here talking but catching up wasn't the real reason I wanted to take a walk with you....."

Cliff started to speak but Scarlet cut him off before he got anything out, "No, please........listen to me, and hear everything I have to say before you respond, and I want you to be honest with me, OK?" At that Cliff nodded signifying his promise.

"OK.......earlier when Kiki and Silver had called me outside to talk to them, they brought something to my attention.......Silver and Argeon, along with Kiki and Raknop are wanting to have pups....I said that was fine and then they asked about us.......I must admit that I do long for a litter of pups, but I want to know what you think first.......Would you like to have pups when mating season come around this year?" Scarlet said somehow finding the words to say.

Cliff was shocked to hear that she was thinking of pups so soon, he didn't know what to say. He thought about it for awhile, as the sun kept getting lower and lower in the sky. By the time he replied it would make it to where they would get back to the cave after dark.

"Scarlet, honey.......I don't know what to say....I've always wanted pups but I didn't think that the subject would come up this soon.....*sigh* I do think we should though, I would love to have pups this mating season." Cliff finally responded.

They looked into each others eyes and smiled as they moved closer to each other so they could nuzzle the others neck before heading back; as they did this the sun was setting giving it a romantic setting.

As they got back to the cave though they noticed that several of the members were asleep, including Scarlet's siblings and Snupsry. When they entered and started walking to the back of the cave, opposite side of the cave from Argeon and Silver, to lay down Scarlet felt eyes on her.....although she knew they were from someone in her pack, she did not know to whom they belonged.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silver laid down beside Argeon, sighing as she did so. They had five new members, and she could not wait to talk to them, and find out more about them. Then she remembered about how she was going to go talk to Kiki about Argeon's leg.

She rose to her feet, and Argeon looked up at her. "I think I'll go talk to Kiki about your leg now, and I'll go talk to the other wolves along the way." She said, nuzzling him gently on the head. He smiled and nodded in reply.

She made her way over to where Alonso, Benup, Evergreen and her brothers were. She turned to Alonso first. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I was in no place to-" before she could finish, he cut her short.

"It's alright, Silver. I'm kinda used to it, and I know you didnt mean it." He said, averting his eyes, but with a colorful smile on his face.

"Oh, good" she said, unable to hide her greatfullness. "Well..." She thought for a moment, thinking of something to say. "Where did you all come from? Is it far from here?" She asked.


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Repling to Silver's question, Benup said "The mountain ... my Birth Clan always called it Krag Mountain, and so do I. But, you may call it whatever you wish. Not exactly very far, as you saw."
Glancing round at his companions and new Pack-mates, he smiled. He had found somewhere that he felt he truely belonged ... amd could enjoy himself.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!


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Silver smiled. "Wow, I have never really been in the mountains before." She said. Searching for another question, she realised that she had nothing to say. "Well, if you need anything, or if you just want to talk, come to me. I'd love to talk!" With a flick of her tail, she turned away.

She trotted over to where Kiki and Raknop were, their "claimed" spot in the spacious cave. She would ask Scarlet and Cliff, too, but she could see that the alpha fang and femme were attempting to sleep in the corner.

"Hey, Kiki, Raknop, I need to ask you all a question." Seeing she had their attention, she continued. "Ok, to put it bluntly, I dont know how long it will take for Argeon's leg to heal. Do you all know, by any chance? I hope it will be soon..." She trailed off, waiting anctiously for the reply.

OOC: I honestly dont know how long it would take, I just decided to ask it in the story. Help??? If you dont know either, you could just make up some random time... altough if it is possible, I hope it is soon. Maybe Scar would know, because she is training to be a vet. I think.

-- Edited by Silverwolf22 at 20:02, 2006-07-02


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OOC- It would take around 6 weeks or a little longer but no longer than 8........but that is just my thinking. Let me as you something his leg completely broken or is it a fracture......and if it is an actual break is it all the way through the leg to where there are two separate pieces? BIC

Scarlet, even though Cliff and herself were lying on the other side of the cave she heard the question and quietly, without disturbing Cliff got up and went over to talk to them.

When she reached them her sudden voice startled Silver. "If I am not mistaken, sorry for bugging in on the conversation, but I think that it will take around six to eight weeks to heal fully, or at least that is as far as I know." Scarlet said, hoping that she hadn't startled her friend too much.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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"Ok, well I think it is more of a fracture than anything, of course there is blood where Tremace bit him, but other than that, it only hurts him when he puts his weight on it, as you all may see." Silver paused for a moment, then continued. "There is no protruding bone." She said, wincing at the thought of it. "How long does it take for a fracture to heal?" She asked slowly.


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Thinking back she tried to remember how much time it would take for a fracture to heal.

"Well, I think that it takes about three to six in that case. Anyways, I think I may go visit with my sister and brothers real quick before I go to bed. I'll talk to you all later" Scarlet said as she trotted toward the entrance where Evergreen, Bailian, Zepher, Alonso, and Benup were.

"How is everything going, everyone? Did you eat your fill of the meat? Are there any problems?" Scarlet started asking questions.

"Hey sis, haven't seen you in awhile. Things are going pretty well. I ate well." Bailian said speaking up.

"Yeah, the food was good. Hard to believe that there is still some prey here after the fire that you all had awhile back." Evergreen said.

Zepher was being quiet and he had his head on his paws s everyone assumed that he was asleep. Because of this Scarlet then turned to Alonso and Benup to inquire the same about them.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silver thanked Scar before she turned and walked away. She smiled at Raknop and Kiki. "Thanks, anyways, guys." she said before she went back to Argeon.

The handsome black male was asleep, so she laid down beside him to wait for him to awaken. She felt at peace laying there beside him. His very presence seemed to calm her.

~~~Back over with Scarlet, Alonso and siblings~~~

"Yes, I am full and the meat was very good. I like it here." Alonso said bluntly as he smiled and looked around at his friends.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 03:28, 2006-07-03


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"Yes, everything is very wonderful here. The food was great. Thanks, for everything Scar." Benup said.

"You are all very welcome." Scarlet said. "Anyways, I think I will excuse myself, it has been a very long day, we had a bear in the area earlier and Raknop, Kiki, and I went to go kill it...that's how all three of us got hurt. Anyways, I'm going to go lay down, g'night everyone." Scarlet said as she turned around to head back to Cliff at the other end of the cave.

~Time passes~

Around midnight Scarlet awoke with a start and sat up and began to breath deeply, she had had a nightmare. Soon she tried to go back to sleep, she laid there and tried to go back to sleep, but she couldn't so she walked out of the cave silently and went to the hill that was about a quarter of a mile away from the cave.

As she sat there she began to think about all of the things that had happened in her dream...all the things had actually happened in the past, all of those scars she had were proof of it. Scarlet didn't know how much time passed but as she sat there she almost fell asleep, but a sound behind her made her become alert again.

"Scar, what's wrong, my friend?" she heard someone behind her say, she recognized the voice so she turned around to face the beta femme.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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"Scar, what's wrong my friend?" She asked, looking up at her leader. "If you need to talk, then I'm always here."

Silver had not been able to sleep since Argeon had gone to sleep before her, and she had been ancious to tell him about his leg. Seeing Scarlet walk out of the cave, seeming very distressed, she had followed, hoping to cheer her up in any manner.


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"I'm sorry Silver. It's just that I had a nightmare...well; not was actually a revisitation of a memory. A horrible one at probably don't want to hear about that though, do you?" Scarlet said as she turned back around and began to look at the moon.

The moon was a beautiful site to see that night, it was glowing pure white and you could see the craters quite nicely. The stars, as well made the night beautiful that night. She thought that she could sit there and look and think about the future there forever. She had just begun to wonder how many pups she and Cliff would have and what names were good names when Silver's voice cut into her thoughts interrupting them.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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"Of course I want to hear, that is if you feel like telling me." Silver said, looking at her friend with concern. "You dont have to talk about these things if they bother you, but it is good to tell someone, and not keep it bottled up." She said as she sat down next to Scarlet.


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Scarlet knew that she couldn't keep her heartache and pain bottled up forever but she didn't know how to tell her friend what was bothering.

"*sigh* Well, if you really want to hear it then I will tell you, but please don't feel sorry for me because if this hadn't happen\ed then I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have had the chance to have great friends like you and goes..." Scarlet said as she took a deep breath and began to tell her friend about her life as far back as she could remember.

"It all started when I was young, my mom didn't like the fact that I was an albino so she would abuse me and the only ones that would stick up for me are my brothers and my sister that are here in the pack right now. They would get beat too if she heard them. I knew Cliff back then and he was my support system and my best friend but one day mom found me and him together after he had told her that he didn't know where I was at and so he was told to go home and after he left I was beat senseless and I wasn't able to move. She picked me up and left me out in the middle of nowhere to die. I somehow survived but how I will never know...." Scarlet said as she continued her tale.

When she was done it was still fairly dark but it was drawing ever more near the sunrise. At that moment though Scarlet's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Silver's voice.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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"It's ok now, dont let it bother you. It's in the past now." Silver said. She did feel sorry for Scarlet, but she honored her friend's request and was quiet about it. She touched her nose to Scarlet's shoulder. "And dont worry, Kiki, Cliff, Argeon and I will be there for you from here on out. Promise."

Silver looked at her friend, and smiled. Life was tough, but it is better when you have friends to help you get through it all.


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Little did Scarlet and Silver know that Kiki had been listening all along. (Yes, I know. Eavesdropping is a bad habit. )

Walking out towards them now, Kiki said to Scar "That's right. We'll always be here for you. No matter what. And that's a promise, like Silver said."

Looking at Silver and Scar's shocked faces, she hung her head. "I'm sorry. I was sleeping near the entrance, and I was worried when you both went out of the cave. I also kinda listened to what you said Scar." Smiling ruefully, Kiki muttered "I guess I should try and stop eavesdropping then, huh?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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"It's OK Kiki, you were worried and that is understandable. Just don't get too into the habit of evesdropping OK. I know that Kiki has heard the story before so I would like to know if you all could tell that something had happened a long time ago just by my appearance or by the way I acted or anything like that. You don't have to but it would be nice to know if other wolves can tell right off thta I've been through something in the past." Scarlet said to her friends hoping that they would tell hre if they could or not.


((OOC- Sorry it's so short, I couldn't really think of anything right now because I don't feel all that well.))

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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((OOC: Dont worry, I know you feel bad. BIC))

Silver thought for a moment. "Well, you never seemed troubled or anything, in fact, I would have never thought about it unless you told me. So no, I dont think that anyone would be able to tell." She said finnaly. After all her friend had been through, Silver felt a new respect for her. She had been through so much yet was still going on with life.

-- Edited by Silverwolf22 at 18:34, 2006-07-20


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Thinking carefully, Kiki said "The only time that I couuld tell that something had happened in your past was when you first saw Cliff ... and also when you saw your brother. But they have been the only times."

Looking at the sky, Kiki saw the first rays of the sun's light beginning to brush the earth.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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"Thatnks guys," Scarlet said as she began to look areound, "Looks like a new day is begining.....let's go home guys, everyone will start to worry if we are gone when they wake up, especially our mates."

They all agreed and they began to walk back to the cave from which they had come from several hours previous. When they approached Cliff was talking with everyone and ordering pairs to go out and scout.

"Raknop, Benup, I want you two to go and....."

"Cliff.....what are you doing?" Scarlet said interrupting him.

Cliff was surprised at the sound of Scar's voice so he whirled around and couldn't believe his eyes. "Oh thank god, are you three alright? I was worried sick, I though something had happened." Cliff said, quite relieved that his pack members were back and appeared to be alright.

"Cliff, I couldn't sleep last night at around midnight and I went out of the cave and Kiki and Silver followed me without my knowing until they both revieled themselves later on at different times that they thought more appropriate." Scar said trying to realsure Cliff that everything was alright.

"Good, I'm just glad that you three are safe....anyways, since it's morning, who's up for some breakfast?" Cliff asked, he enjoyed eating.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Walking towards Raknop, Kiki nuzzled her mate, reassuring him that she was perfectly fine.

Turning towards Cliff, Raknop and Kiki both nodded. They'd just both just realised that they were hungry.

Stirring from his sleep, Benup quickly registered what Cliff had said. Wakening properly, he stood, shaking himself to get rid of tension in his muscles.

Standing, Snupsry looked across at Benup. My! ... I wonder...? she thought. Shaking her head, she scolded herself for even beginning to think like that. How can I get used to Pack life once more if I find that I like another member? Glancing across at Benup, she saw that he was looking at her from the corner of his eyes.

Turning her head from side-to-side to make sure that he wasn't looking at somebody else, Snupsry looked at him shyly, giving him a coy smile.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!


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When Silver first saw Argeon, he seemed quite anxtious until he saw her, and that she was safe. She came up to him and smiled, herself glad to be back.

"Do you want something to eat? I'm sure you havent eaten in a while." She said, realising with a feeling of guilt how long it had been since he had last eaten. Looking down, she struggled with a rising feeling of anger towards herself. She stared blankly at the floor, until Argeon's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Sure, that would be nice. I am hungry. Sometimes a wolf can get caught up in everything to where he forgets about ever needing to eat." He said. Somehow, he knew what Silver was thinking.

"Ok. I'll go get you something." Silver turned away, and padded over to where Cliff was getting some meat from the meat store. I'll make it up to him and get him something nice.

She looked at Cliff, and asked if it was alright if she got something for herself and Argeon.


((OOC: I'm sorry if this post sounds a bit choppy, I stayed up at a slumber party until like two in the morning, and all we did was watch movies. In other words, I'm tired!))


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"Yes, go right ahead, like Scar said earlier, we aren't going to reinforce the eating order unless there are pups are in the pack or there are ones in the pack that are sick." Cliff replied.

Silver then passed Cliff and got the meat that she had come over there for, quickly thanked Cliff, and then went back over to Argeon, where they could share a meal together.

As Cliff looked over his pack he couldn't help but feel he was blessed to have such friends, loyal ones at that, in his pack. He liked the feeling of being able to rely on his betas and Kiki for any help that he may need in making decisions concerning the pack.

As the pack ate their fill there was one who didn't come in and join in the merriness, it was Zepher. He was still bitter over the fact that he hadn't gotten a better rank than Flame. He had hoped that since his sister was the alphess that she would give Bailian, Evergreen, and himself a higher position than everyone else, but she hadn't and his other two siblings were fine with being flames, but why couldn't he?

Scarlet had noticed a change in Zepher ever since that meeting that Cliff and her had helped regarding the wolves from the mountain along with her siblings but she hadn't though much about it until now when he sat there and didn't go to get something to eat, it wasn't like Zepher to turn up his nose at a chance to eat. Sensing something was wrong Scarlet went over to her brother to talk with him.

"Zeph, what's wrong?" Scarlet said honestly concerned about her brother.

"Nothing is wrong. I just don't feel well, now leave me alone," Zepher retorted harshly, he was obviously in a bad mood.

"Now Zeph, you know that you can't fool me, you never have been able to so just stop lying and tell me what's on your mind, I promise I won't interrupt until your done, and, it will make you feel better too." Scarlet soothed, she was trying to calm him down but to much of her frustration it didn't seem to be working.

"There ain't nothin' on my mind and there ain't nothin' botherin' me, I just don't feel well! Now leave me alone!" he growled, after that he turned around and stormed out of the cave.

Sighing to herself Scarlet resolved that it was just going to take some time, but she had to keep trying, there was something obviously on his mind and it obviously had something to do with her, otherwise he wouldn't have snarled at her like he had. She went over to Cliff to tell him that she was going out to search for Zepher.

"Cliff, there is something wrong with my brother, Zepher. I'm going out to look for him and to see if I can find out what's wrong. I'll be back as soon as I can; I don't know how long this will take." Scarlet said to her mate. As she turned to leave however, one last thing popped into her mind so she turned around abruptly and voiced her thoughts, "Oh, and Cliff,“ she began as she turned around, “if you wouldn't mind, could you please save me some food along with some for Zeph as well, or if we run out could you go get some more?" Scarlet inquired at the entrance to the cave.

Cliff smiled at her and slightly nodded his head, he was telling her that he would and not to worry about it, he would take care of everything while she was gone. This got a smile out of her as well, and then with one final swish of the tail she was out of the cave and following Zepher's scent, trying to track him down.

As Cliff watched Scarlet leave the cave he couldn’t help but feel worried. That bear that Kiki, Raknop, and her had gone after earlier might not have been the only one in the area after the fire. There was probably more than one that had come into the area to feed off of the carcasses that were strewn about the land as a result of the fire. He hoped desperately that no harm would befall his mate while she was out there.

With those final thoughts to himself about the bears and the fire, he walked back to the end of the cave to talk to Kiki, he knew what needed to be done, Scarlet didn’t need to be out there alone, he was going to talk to Kiki about the situation and about the idea that had crossed his mind.

((OOC- Sorry it's so long, I was in one of my writing moods.))

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silverpelt and Argeon shared their meat together, a nice chunk of venicon. Silver's thoughts ran from subject to subject, then she realised that she had not told Argeon about how long it would take his leg to heal. Of course she had tried to tell him earlier, but he had fallen asleep before she could. She decided to tell him now. Swallowing her mouthfull of deer meat, she spoke.

"Argeon, you know how I told you that I was going to ask Kiki and Scarlet about your leg, and how long it would take it to heal? Well, I asked, and Scarlet said that if it is a fracture, which it most likely is, it would take about three to six weeks for it to heal." She said.

His shocked expression gave away what he was thinking. "Three to six weeks without being able to move... at all? In this cave?" He said, his mouth open in disbelief.

"Yes, I'm afraid so..." she thought for a moment. She knew this would be hard for him. She had to cheer him up somehow. "but dont worry, I'll be here with you. I promise. I'll only leave you if someone needs me." Silver said, trying to calm him down. After all, she really didnt want to leave him.

"Thanks, Silver." He said as he licked her on the cheek. Silver smiled.

As they continued with their meal, they saw Scarlet head out the cave in search of something. She seemed to be in a hurry.


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Eating some of the meat beside Raknop, Kiki felt Cliff come towards her. Turning to her mate, she said "Excuse me" and went to her Alpha. She could instantly tell that he wanted to talk about something.

Padding towards the back of the cave, with Cliff following her, she wondered what it could be about.

Once reaching the back of the cave, she turned and sat n her haunches. "Cliff, what is it?" she asked, concern in her voice. She had seen Zepher run out of the cave, and Scarlet follow him. Now she was worried ... and it appeared that Cliff was as well.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 23:22, 2006-07-24

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"*sigh* I'm sure you saw Scarlet run out of the cave after Zepher," Cliff said looking to the counsellor.

Kiki nodded her responce.

"Well, I'm a little worried about Scarlet, I got to thinking right after she went after her brother and, I think that there might be more than just that one bear that you all killed out there earlier. Scarlet is still banged up from that fight yesterday, I needed to know if you thought that someone needed to go after, maybe just follow her and make sure that she is alright and if another bear appears then jump into help but other than that stay out of sight. Do you think we need to send someone?" Cliff asked, he was really worried about Scarlet.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 23:31, 2006-07-24

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Thinking carefully over the situation, Kiki realised that Cliff had a point.

Nodding her head, she answered "Yes. We should, but we'll have to make sure that Scarlet doesn't see the one that goes. Also, personally, I think that Zephor is up to something, but what - I don't know."

Shaking her head, she continued "I also agree. I'll bet my tail that there are more bears around here. If something were to happen to Scarlet or Zephor, we'd all be heartbroken."

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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((OOC- I'm just pointing this out, 'Zephor' is actually spelled Zepher. Sorry Psy, I just thought that I would let you know. BIC))

"I agree. Who do you think should follow her though?" Cliff asked, he wasn't sure if he himself should go or send someone else that way he could stay to make sure everything was alright at the cave.

((OOC- sorry it is such a short  post but I have to go to bed and plus I'm not in tht much of a writing mood.))

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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((OOC = that's OK Scar. I'm glad that you corrected me ))

Tilting her head, Kiki thought over the possible choices. "Maybe we should send one of the lower status Wolves? Then, if there are any bears around, and there ends up being a fight, we can promote that wolf to a higher rank? It's just an idea, but it could work"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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"I like the idea. How about we send Benup. I know what Bailian and Evergreen are capable of but I want to wait on giving them a chance since I already know so much about them. The other option is Alonso, but if I remember correctly he said that he didn't like to fight, but it might have been someone else or I could have just misheard things but either way I still think that Benup is capeable enough, don't you?" Cliff asked his counsellor.


((OOC- Again, sorry it's so short. I have a lot of things to do right now and with school starting back up I am not able to think about the posts as much or able to post much at all so please forgive.))

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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"Yes. That would work. I was thinking that we send him also. What if we were to send two wolves? If we were to do that, we could send Snupsry as well." Smiling wickedly, she continued "They seem to get along with each other."

Glancing towards the two that she had mentioned, she saw that they were sitting alone, although both were trading glances with the other. Shaking her head, she told Cliff "Either way, I can tell that Benup is capeable. But Snupsry still had to proveherself. So far, all she has done is brought the kill that was our dinner."

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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Cliff nodded. "I agree," he responded as he turned toward Snupsry and Benup."Snupsry, Benup, we need to see you over here for a moment please," he called to them.

As they sat down respectfully he began to speak once more, "I want you two to follow Scar but stay out of her sight and don't let her know that you are there, youare only to reveal yourself if there is a danger nearby that threatens her and it is neccessiary. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" they both answered, then they were off after Scarlet like they were told.


((OOC-Sorry it's so short, not in writing mood.))

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Walking together, Benup realsied that he rather liked this Red She-Wolf. Padding silently, he sniffed the ground, looking for signs of Scarlet.
Finally, he found her scent: a rather sweet smell, it consisted of pollen and a rather Femme scent. Following the trail, he carefully made sure that he listened out for the sounds of danger, and others around.
Coming closer to a clearing, he heard what was unmistakeably Scarlet's voice. He whispered "Don't let them see or hear you." to Snupsry, then skirted around the outside of the clearing, making sure to make no noise whatsoever.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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As Scarlet trotted on she could see more and more signs of her getting closer to her brother. Finally after what seemed like hours of searching and walking she found him sitting on a fallen log.

She silently crept up behind him and then pounced on him pinning him to the ground but talking to him, "Zepher don't be scared, it's me, Scarlet. I just want to talk to you, if you promise not to run I will let you up," she said as she struggled to keep Zepher pinned, "Do we have a deal?"

"OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, I won't run just let me up!" he squirmed.

Doing as she had promised she let him up off of the ground. "Now, tell me....What is the matter Zeph? You and I used to be able to talk about anything, so what's on yuor mind?"

"*sigh* It's just that I thought that yuo thought more of us than that......" he sighed

Puzzled as to what her brother ment she sat there waiting on him to continue. When Zepher did continue, she was shocked at his response.

"I thought that because we are your brothers and sister that you would give us a higher possition in the pack but NO! You had to go and give us all the rank of Flame. How could you turn yuor back on us like that, how could you?!?!"he yelled as he turned on her, he lost his temper and he pounced on her, they were fighting like they used to, except this time it wasn't for play it was for title.


((OOC- Zepher is still good, don't get me wrong but see he is just jelous and so he attacked Scarlet, don't kill him if you jump in on the fight but in a way I would just like observations but I'm not posting next so do as you wish, it was just a thought.))

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Seeing Zepher lunge at Scarlet, Benup was torn in two. Should he help the Femme, or should he do as Cliff had told him, and only show himself when danger threatened?

As he puzzled over this, Snupsry was bursting with energy. How could she just stay were she was when the Femme was in danger? Totally ignoring the instructions that Cliff had given them, and also what Benup had told her, Snupsry came from behind the bushes, snarling furiously.

"How could you?" she spat, looking directly at Zepher. As both of the wolves turned, startled, to face her, Snupsry felt Benup emerge from behind the bushes also.

"There could be more wild animals - like a bear - around here, and you, Zepher, are worried about what ranking you have in the Pack?" As Zepher opened his mouth to reply, she cut him off. "No, I don't want to hear it. Yes, related to the Alpha Femme you may be, but a Pack's rankings are based on loyalty - the loyalty of the lower status Wolf to their betters. If this is how you treat your Alpha's, and your siblings, then I don't see why you should have an higher rank!"

Realising that she had said too much, Snupsry backed away. If Zepher wanted to fight her, she wanted to be as far away from Scarlet as possible. It would not do for the Femme to get hurt ... and when she still had wounds as well.

As Snupsry backed away, Benup loopked at her, stunned. Where had that come from!? he thought. I could tell that she was worried about the Femme, but I didn't know that she'd do that.

Deciding to do what Snupsry was doing, he backed away - but not towards the edge of a clearing. No, he went in the direction of the Alpha Femme, deciding that to protect her would be better than to stand there and do nothing. As he came closer to the Femme, he looked towards Zepher. That was when he realised that, although they had been introduced to each other, really, he knew nothing about the Wolf.

((OOC = If you can't take off from there, let me know, and I'll alter the post in some way.))

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!
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