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Post Info TOPIC: An Outsider,

Omega Wolf

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An Outsider,

A wolf was walking through the forest, her pure white pelt was visable through the darkness.She was quite thin-not eaten in days. She was walking alone scanning through the forest. Her name was Ice, and she was an outsider, having been banished out of her pack for something she didnt do, she hadnt eaten for days. Soon she found a tree and settled down under the leaves, it started to rain.

"Great," She though as she looked up "Just what I need rain, as if my life is complicated enough with me getting wet," She had to put up with the weather, it was very unperictable.She put her great head on her paws and slept, in the distance thunder echoed.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"Why did I even have to spring on that guy? It caused me to get thrown out of my pack..." Karli, a small white wolf, wandered through the rain, knowing she was getting wet but not caring in the least. She was talking to herself, as she often does when she has no one to talk to, and walking. She was going no where in particular. "He deserved what he got. He had it coming. He was picking on poor Alonso too much! But I did not deserve what I got! I got kicked out of the pack for goodness sake! For what? For standing up for what is right. They probably dont even miss me. Well you know what? I dont even miss them." He stopped short, for she did miss Alonso very much. Karli was the only wolf that really ever understood him, and she was the only friend that he had.

"I suppose I had better get out of this rain, before I catch cold. It would be awful to get sick with no one there to look after me." Karli turned to a tree covered in thick foliage, thinking that it would be a great refuge from the driving rain.

The last thing she expected to see underneath the tree was a sleeping wolf. The new wolf was white, just like her, and she looked to be alone. Karli came closer to the trunk of the tree and settled down to wait for this new wolf to wake up.


Omega Wolf

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Ice awoke, cold. She felt something warm pressing up to her skin, ICe hadnt been warm like this of a while, her eyes poped open and she scanned the forest it was a beautiful morning. She looked over to her left and a yelp came out of her mouth, a wolf was there white like Ice herself, she was scared to see this wolf then it spoke,

"Don't be alrmed, I am Karli,"

"You scared me," Ice sat down quickly with no food in her she couldn't stand propily, "What is you name, may I ask,"

"My name is Ice, I been alone for a very long time its good to have some company," She walked over to Karli, and they both sat down to swap stories fo their past, they were now thinking of starting a new pack for outsiders to join. 

-- Edited by Icewolf2000 at 10:02, 2006-06-12

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"Starting a pack would be fun! I mean, it would be fun to meet new wolves and make friends with them. Oh, I wish Alonso was here! He would know what to do. I dont really know what to do because I havent been in an actual pack for a long time. I hope Alonso hasent gone and started or joined a pack. Then if I find him it would be hard to persuade him to come with me. Maybe one day I will..." Karli stopped short, noticing the bored look on Ice's face. "Sorry, Ice. I just like to talk... alot."

Karli scented the air. Was that what she thought it was? No. It couldnt be...

"Ice, I suggest we lay low. Follow me." She said as she led her new friend behind a dead bush.

There, under the tree where they had just been a second ago, was a horrible ferocious looking lynx. The muscles under her fur coat rippled with raw power with every move she made. The large cat lashed her stub of a tail as it came across the fresh scent of wolves. She followed the trail, and looked up to the dead bush, where the two friends were hiding.

"Do you think we can take it?" Karli wispered to Ice, just loud enough for her to hear only.

The lynx was closer as Ice wispered her reply.


Omega Wolf

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"I'm not sure if we can take on that lynx, it looks tough do you think we could do it?" Ice asked her new friend,

"Um," Said Karli as she watched the lynx with hatred " We could try, two wolves are better then one? The lynx is on its own I think we coud," The brave friends left their hiding place and walked to the lynx. Both wolves started snarling and growling teeth were beared, the cat started spitting snarling raising its back like an arch. The wolves ran towards the lynx hoping to fight it, but the lynx realised that he alone could never take on wolves, so he ran to tree for cover and up onto the rocks.

"Well that was easy," sadi Karli

"I think we'll see that lynx again," Ice looked rather scared at the idea she had, she has never really delt with other predators when she was in the pack it wasnt up to she to see the animals that might harm them off on their way.

-- Edited by Icewolf2000 at 16:27, 2006-06-12

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"Well, that was easy. I dont think that it will bother us anymore. So, what do you want to do now? We could go in search of other wolves, or something like that. I know, we could howl! Other wolves in the area could hear us howl, then they would reply, and we would know how many woves are around here. It is worth a shot, anyways." Karli rambled. "I havent howled in such a long time, I have never really had the need for it."

She looked to her new friend for an answer.


Omega Wolf

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"Yes howling would be good, I havnt howled in a while either," They both looked at each other lifted their heads in the air and howled: IS their any wolves out their who wants to join our pack. they howled for ten joyfull minutes. Then they stoped, after the howling the forest seamed quite errie. The friends looked at each other, then they started to play, they rolled around till their fur was quite dark. Then Karli said "Hush want that noise,"

Ice heard it too a russtle in the leaves, and out came a black wolf.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Karli sprang to her feet. "Hi, I am Karli, and this is my friend Ice. We are starting a pack! Isnt that wonderful? You may join if you want." She looked at the stranger, wondering what he would do next.

Ice and Karli were both quiet as the newcomer began to speak.


Omega Wolf

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"My name is Sky," his voice was deep for a wolf "I dont usually join other wolves in a pack but would you mind if i did this time round?"

The female wolves walk close to Sky, and sniffed at him and rubbed their bodies against him.HE waited for their reply...

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"That is alright with me, if it is alright with you, Ice." Karli smiled at the new wolf. "I dont know much about being in a pack, but I am sure we can manage."


Omega Wolf

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"I know a little bit about packs, but im sure we aill manage," She too smilied at Sky

"Well then lets get moving we dopnt want the lynx to show up again," Said Karli and the 3 mates walked in the the forest. Above them the lynx was watching them....

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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I wonder if Alonso heard us howl... Karli wondered to herself. We have been seperated for almost a year now, I think that that is too long. I still miss him. Tonight I will howl again, maybe this time he will hear me...

"Ice, what do you do when your heart longs to see someone but you cant see them?" Karli began. "It has been forever since I have seen Alonso..."


Omega Wolf

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Ice looked at her friend, with her eye she cared for she friend so much. "I would howl to them to make sure that they can hear me, say that my heart belongs to them," She looked harder at Karli "I'm sure Alonso would of heard your howl if sky heard it then im sure Alonso would have heard it,"

Karli realised the she was walking slowly thinking hard about what Ice said Mabye Alonso had heard it but couldnt get away to be with me. She walked a little quicker to catch up with her mates...

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Posts: 252

She pondered for a moment. If he even had heard it, would he know that it is me? I would have to tell him in the message.

"So where are we going, anyways?" Karli asked her friends.


Omega Wolf

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"Accordin to Sky theres a little stream that has no animals by it or in it so he is showing us. He says it very peacefull and no animals visit it so we're quite lucky,"  They walked north from the rock and the tree were they met, few milies later they came across a lagoon with a water fall, splashing down into the pool of clear water. The wolves stared at it.

"Well here we are," Sky looked at his friends "lets have fun!" Sky and Ice jumped in first, Karli hung round for a bit looking around lost in though Alonso would have loved this

"C'mon Karli," Sky and Ice said together

"Okay," Replyed Karli and she too jumped in

-- Edited by Icewolf2000 at 17:26, 2006-06-12

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Posts: 252

Karli splashed in the cool clear water, letting it wash away the old rainwater that had dried on her coat. The joyous splashing of her friends lifted her spirits. She splashed her way against the current, feeling the strong pull of the water attempting to drag her down. She remained upright. Feeling triumphant, she splashed at the surface of the water.


Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

A wave that Karli did splashed the two wolves then they had a splashing fight which lasted for half an hour all the wolves thought it was very fun indead, Soon all of them got out shaked and sat down tell each other about their past,

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Posts: 252

"Do you want me to start out with mine? Ice, I kow you have heard my story."

"Sure, go ahead" Sky said.

"Well, when I was a pup, I remember that I would talk too much and annoy my brothers and sisters. Then, I met a pup named Alonso. He had a very strange colored coat, a creamy pale color instead of the normal white of an arctic wolf. Because of his coat color, everyone would make fun of him, except me. It made me so mad to see everyone make fun of him, but when I stood up to them, they would attack me, too, and call me names as well. He was the only friend I had, and I was the only friend he had.

"One day, the alpha of the pack decided that he would try to make fun of Alonso. It enraged me to see this, so I attacked him. He fought me off, and banished me from the pack for attacking him. I am sure that Alonso came looking for me after that, but I have never seen him since."

There was an akward silence.


Omega Wolf

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"Where dod you go after that?" Came ice's voice

"I just wandered for a while then i found you Ice,"

"What abour your stroy Ice," Sky asked.

"Well i have always been an outsider even in my old pack they called me "the outsider" the still took me in though but Only the alha female Storm wanted me in there, so in the end I joined. A few Srpings ago the Alpha female, was had her pups four pup, then one night three puppies were dead, because of waht I was they banshed me but i never even harmed those pups, they think that outsiders are evil doers, but i wasnt so they blambed me for killing those puppies when i didnt. So then i was wondering the forest then i became to know Karli then you sky. Thats my story. You do believe me dont you?"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"I believe you, you dont seem like the type of wolf to do something like that." Karli said. "But what about you, Sky? What has brought you to be a lone wolf?"

Karli and Ice listened as Sky began to speak.


Omega Wolf

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"Well," said Sky, "I'm not really a great talker, umm. I don't really get on with wolves very well, but i only get on with wolves when there are few of them thats why im sort of like this. Talkitive, my old pack was quite big so i didnt get on well with them , had a lot of arguments. So in the end I left. My mum and Dad were not taking my side even though I was in their first litter they didnt know I was going to be this much trubbel other wise they would have aboned me," He took a deep breath realised that he had been rambeling a while bacause it was getting dark.

"Its okay Sky," said Karli in a soothing voice "Where here for you,"

"Thanks Karli and Ice," he smiled at the two wolves first smile he had done.

"I think its time we went to sleep," So the wolves settled down. During the night Ice had a werid dream. She dreamt that the wolves were traving north to the mountains to one mountain inparticular- White Mountain


I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Settling down to sleep, Karli dreamed of her old pack, her old friends, and Alonso. She woke suddenly, and laid back down to try to go to sleep again. After many tries she could not go back to sleep.

She stood up, and picked her way around her sleeping friends. She walked into the forest. It had begun to snow, Karli had not seen snow in a long time. She continued to walk for a while.

Realizing that she had strayed too far from her friends, she turned around and made her way back. She sat down not to far from them, waiting for them to awaken.


Omega Wolf

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Ice awoke suddenly, she felt wide awake, it was snowing in my dream it was snowing! she looked around and saw Karli, she walked up to her and rubbed against her body and licked her muzzel. She sat down next to her and waited for Ske to wake up. In the end the two wolves both had to wake Sky up. He yawned showing his many shape teeth.

"So where are we going today then?" He asked.

"Well I had a dream, it felt real to," Ice said to both of them "I was dreaming that all of us where going north to the mountians then as we got closer i realised we were going to White mountain the hightest mountain of all. Perhaps we could go there and be called the White Mountain pack. And if we meet and wolves along the way," She looked over at Karli who she new who she was thinking of "We can ask them to join!" 

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"Oh, this sounds fun! And if there is another wolf we meet along the way, we could ask them to join! Maybe it will be Alonso! Oh, I love snow! It is so white and sparkly! Yay!" Karli could not contain herself.


Omega Wolf

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"Alright then lets go north," Shouted Ice she howled to the sky and ran the other wolves followed her.

"now in my dream we came to a stream it had lots of plats and flowers and clear water, possible from the lagoon!" They found the stream north west from the lagoon. They followed it for a while, then they caught the sent of something big....

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Posts: 252

They caught the scent of the lynx. It was around here somewhere...

"Lets get out of here, and quick!" Karli whispered to her friends.


Omega Wolf

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"Oh no not the lynx, i smell many a lynx. I think he might have braught an army?" Ice looked scared but so did her friends, They quickly went into a near by bush, the lynx came out flanked by two other lyx and a few lynxs behind them. Sky growled very quitly

"I hate lynxs. Do you think we can tkae them one. You Know just the Three ous," he looked at Ice then at Karli for an answer.........

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"If we do, it will be a miracle if we get out alive... it seems we have no choice. If we run, they'll catch us..."

Karli croutched down, teeth bared, snarling. The lynx in front, obviously the one that Ice and Karli had run into earlier, arched her back and hissed, a horrid, terrifying noise. She stepped forward.


Omega Wolf

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Ice and Sky also snarled and snapped their jaws and all off them let out a terrribel growl, Ice sprang to the nearest lynx and the battle began, Ice had a lynx so did sky and karli there were more of lynx then there were of them. The forest now echoed woth snarling and spitting, Ice lynx was down, she had a few scratches she went and helo her friends. Just then another lynx came from nowhere..........

-- Edited by Icewolf2000 at 17:22, 2006-06-13

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Posts: 252

Lynx and wolf fur went everywhere, suffocating them in the midst of the battle. Karli was desperate. She hated fighting, and had never really gotten much experience. As time whent by, Karli found herself fighting side by side with Ice.

The leader of the cats, the first one that Karli and Ice had encountered, came out of nowhere and landed in front of the two wolves. Sky was off fighting two other lynxes...


Omega Wolf

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Sky was no getting desperate,  yes he did manage to kill a few lynxs now a few lynxs were on him! He could see Ice and Karli battleing the leader, hopefully they will kill him so then this unpleasentness can be behind us he thought as he was fighting with all his might he punced onthe lyx and squeshed him flat he new he was dead so he went to countinue the fight with the other lynx

Meanwhile Ice and Karli were battling with the leader.

"He.......just.......wont.....give....up," Panted ICe as she was moving side to side mssin gthe lynxs paws by inches....

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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Posts: 252

"Try this on for size you big brute!" Karli screamed as she jumped in on the lynx, slashed his shoulder, and jumped back before he could retaliate. The cat was surprised.

"Try tha-" Karli began to say to Ice as she jumped away from the raging creature. "Try that. Maybe it will work."


Omega Wolf

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Ice tyred to do what Karli said, but the lynx realised what she was going to do, befroe she could jump on him he jumped on her instead, but Ice was clever, when he jumped on her she rolled so he was on the bottom and she was on the top.HEr white fur was getting covered in blood, he blood and the lynx's

" ...seem to ....fight ....him off... me,"She gasped missing the lynxs  claws.In the corner of her eye she saw that sky was hurt.  "Sky?"

-- Edited by Icewolf2000 at 13:14, 2006-06-14

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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Walking through the forest, Sleethran suddenly heard a commotion.

Beggining to walk a little faster, she realised that the sounds were of a fight. Her heart thumping in her chest, she raced even faster and saw three wolves fighting a lynx. The male was wounded, and one of the females was struggling underneath the lynx.

Bounding forwards, she pounced on the lynx, tearing at the beast's fur and trying vainly to rip it's throat out. Finally getting a grip, she clamped down, feeling the animal's throat tear, she let go. Staring at what she'd just done, she blinked hard, trying to stop the tears from flowing.

Oh my god! I just killed this ... this animal. For what? she thought..

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

Ice, didnt know what was going on the wolf just appeared out of no where, she got up looked around there were still plently of lynxs to fight, she was panting a little.

"Hi," She said to the new wolf "Thanks see you after the battle, do you want to help?"

She looked over at Karli who was fightng a nother lynx and to Sky lying injured on the ground the wolves looked at each other, then to the remaining lynxs.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"Um ... yeah, sure." Sleethran replied. Oh, man. I killed one, and now I have to kill more. Oh well ... hopefully I'll be able to stay with these three wolves she thought.

Padding over to where the injured wolf was, she quickly told him her name and then proceeded to guard him.

She realised that the terror which she was now feeling was the terror that she had felt when the fire had raged so close to her. I will not feel like this!! she cried silently.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a lynx coming towards the male she was guarding. Snarling ferociously at the beast, she lunged and tore its throat out. Oh, great. One less to worry about! she thought happily.

Taking a quick look around, she saw that the other two she-wolves were also tearing out the throats of other lynx's. I hope we all get out unscathed ... or at least without being seriously injured she thought.

Asking the male whether he would be alright for a moment, and after making sure that he would be, she hurried off to help the first wolf she had met.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

Ice was fighting furiously with another lynx dodging the lynxs great paws is speckled taned body was getting covered in blood, She looked around and saw Karli fighting with another lynx she was putting a pretty good fight, she saw Sky the male lying by the tree were he fell no lynx was crowing round him they seemed to think that he was dead but Ice new better. Sky wasnt dead. The new wolf that help ed her guarded him for a while.Wow that new wolf is a pretty good fighter She though jumping on the lynx then ripping it to shreads. 

The new wolf was coming up to her, she looked there were still a few lynxs but now the lynes were getting outnumbered, it was three to fourice looked at the new wolf and nodded to her she said,

"Lets take out the remaining lynxs," Ice howled her head lifted high is howling mode, then she and the new wolf went to help Karli,  

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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Moving to where the other she-wolf was, fighting more of the horrible beasts, Sleethran and Ice began to battle alongside her.
At last, all of the lynx's had either been killed, or had run away.
Panting, Sleethran went over to the male, and, helping him to stand, she and Sky walked to where Karli and Ice were sitting.
"Man, you guys fight good" Sleethran said, obviously impressed.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

"You fight pretty good too," Ice panted "Wow that fight was good! We didnt get chanch to introduce our selves before. My name is Ice, the black wolf that you helped is Sky and this is Karli,"

The forest seemed errie now there were no sound coming out of the forest since the fighting had stopped. A robin came and started sining. It was a beautiful sound the wolves looked up at it.

"Beautiful," murmered Sky breathing fast.

Ice looked over to the new wolf "Anyway, what is your name?"  

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"My name? It's Sleethran." she replied. Listening intently to the trill of the robin, Sleethran peered around, calculating just how many of the beasts they killed.

"Man, we must have killed at least 10 of those animals!" she exclaimed. Looking sheepish, she asked "Do you have any meat around here, or do we need to go hunt? That is, if you'll allow me to stay with you. I haven't eaten since sometime last week."

She waited with bated breath for a reply.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

"We could feast on these Lynxs?" said Ice. "Of course you can stay with us, we were traveling to White Mountain over in the north to start a new pack," Ice explained "I mean would you like to join us?"

No one spoke the robin made one last note before flying off south.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.


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"Yeah, do you want to? I mean, it could be alot of fun! I cant wait to get there, I wonder what it will be like? It will be snowing, of course. But hey, you never know." Even the fight with the lynxes did not affect Karli's love to talk. Noticing that she was rambling, she caught herself, and apologized. "I'm sorry, I just really like to talk. So, do you want to? You can take a while to think about it, if you want." She made herself shut up before she said anything else.

Everyone listened as Sleethran began to speak.


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"Sure. I'd love to stay with you guys." Looking around, Sleethran screwed up her face, but said "I think we may have to eat some of the lynx meat. It'll probably taste horrible, but its easier than searching for other meat. I mean, this meat is right here, so why not eat it, right?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Yes that is right, and it save us wasting energy on elk when there is plently of meat. We could all do with some meat anyway,"

So all the wolves tucked in to there dinner-It wasnt very good but at least they had some food in their bellies.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"Ughh" Sleethran said, screwing up her nose. "It tastes horrible! But it is better than nothing." she added.
Glancing around, she saw that the others were wearing the same expression as hers ... one of total disgust. Laughing, she said "I take it that we all think it tastes bad?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Sky chocked on his bit of meat "Ugh its revolting," He spat it out quickly looking round he saw Sleethran laughing he joined in laughing. "Well it is better then nothing, After are we going to White Mountain?" HE asked looking at Ice.

"Yer I mean if thats okay with every one else," She looked round waiting for an answer..

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"Yeah .. it's fine with me" Sleethran said. "Same here" Karli replied.

Getting to her feet, Sleethran looked around, and asked "Which way do we go?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

"I have a feeling at the mountain lies north somwhere,"ice said, "My mother told me all about it saying it snows in winter and trees and things blossom in summer, no wolf has ever come that way,"

So they all set off in the direction Ice had said,

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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As Sleethran padded along, she looked carefully at the other members of their small group. Maybe ... no, I reckon it's too early to think about that she thought. But- What if they've already started a Pack, and I've barged in on them like this? Oh, man. I'm a horribly Wolf.
She stopped short as one of the others began to speak.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

Ice yawned, the fight had made her tired She looked around at the small pack then looked at Sleethran "You okay?" She asked "You looked worried?"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.
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