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Merged - Scarred Valley and Goconlow Forest
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OK everyone.
The topics of Scarred Valley Role Play and Goconlow Forest Role Play have now merged.
The above fore-mentioned topics have also been closed, and are now only open to viewing.

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged, only to find the ways in which you yourself have altered


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Silverpelt stared at the newcomers, puzzled as to who they were, and where they came from. She stepped forward, and politely introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Silverpelt. You can call me Silver. This is Raknop. Who, may I ask, are you all?"

Waiting for a reply, Silver glanced quizically between the new wolves. They looked friendly. During the brief silence, her mind raced. Maybe these wolves would want to join us, and then we could actually start a decent sized pack!

Silverpelt listened as one of the wolves began to speak.


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Scarlet was the one to speak for the group.

"My name is Scarlet, Scarlet Whitetail, but you can call me Scar for short. These two are Cliff Greypaw and Kiki. I am happy to meet you all. Truth is we were scouting around when Kiki here caught your scent, she led us here and we saw you eating the rabbits. We are trying to form a pack and we were wondering if you all were a part of a pack that lives in this area. If you are, please, tell us, for we don't want to cause trouble for nearby packs."

"No, we are not. We are trying to rebuild our own pack at the moment," Silver said, "see, there was recently a fire and it killed all of our pack members except for Argeon and I. Well, there was another that survived but he's not important because he is dead now due to his dishonesty and betrayal. Raknop here was the one who found and saved Argeon from Tremace, he was the one that betrayed our pack. In any case, why don’t you come back with us to the cave. We can talk further there."

She looked back at Cliff and Kiki waiting for them to give her a sign of what they thought should be done. They both nodded at her, she nodded back, and turned around to face Silver and Raknop once more.

"Very well, we shall accompany you to the cave to discuss things further."

"Good, please, follow us." Raknop said as Silver and he took the lead, heading towards the cave where Argeon lay resting to recover his strength.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silver could barely keep herself from bursting from the group and running to bring the news to Argeon. They might be able to bebuild the pack! Walking beside Raknop, the two wolves lead the three others through the forest, behind the cascade, and into the cave. Argeon was there, waiting. Silverpelt bounded forwards to meet her love, then sat down beside him and told him who the new wolves were.

Kiki, Scarlet, Cliff, and Raknop were soon sitting near Argeon and Silver. Argeon began to speak.

"Hello, I'm Argeon. Pleased to meet you." He struggled to stand, but could not. Silver licked him encouragingly on the face. "It's all right honey, just sit down. As you can see," Silver addressed the other wolves, "You can't always trust everyone in life." Silver sat down again beside Argeon.

Searching for something to say to break the silence, Silver said,"Well, due to the fact that our pack was destoyed by the fire, there is no pack here right now."

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 21:13, 2006-05-23


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As Scarlet sat there she thought to herself, "I wonder if the would want to join the packs together?" untill she finally got up the nerve to ask after she looked at Kiki and Cliff for a reasuring nod of the head to be sure that they wanted to.

"Well, that is something that Kiki, Cliff, and myself were wondering. We were wanting to know if you three would like to combine your pack with ours since we are both trying to build one. What do you all think of this idea?" Scarlet said looking hopeful at the three wolves in front of her and her comrads. After a few minuets of waiting she looked at her comrads and said, "I think we should go outside while they discuss what they want to do, come on."

After that Kiki, Cliff, and Scarlet walked out of the small cave to let their new found friends discuss what they wanted to do.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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As Scarlet and her friends left the cave, Silverpelt looked at Argeon inquiringly. "What do you think?" She asked.

"Well, what do you think?" Argeon replied.

"Oh, Yes! That would be wonderful!" Silver looked at Raknop "That is, if that is alright with you, Raknop"

She and Argeon sat patiently, waiting for a reply.


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"Yes. We should do it. With 6 wolves instead of 3, it'l be much easier to survive." Raknop replied.

"Should we go and tell them now?" he asked, looking at Silver and Argeon.

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After exanging glances with Silver, Argeon replied, "I think that we should" He began to stand, but thought twice about it.

Silver could barely surpress a cry of joy. She began to ramble, "Oh, this is going to be fun! But Raknop, there is also the question of dominance. I dont want to see anyone fighting... but then again, Argeon cant fight, but he wouldnt fight with you anyways because you saved his life. But what about the other wolves? The last thing we need is a fight over dominance. I will already say that I dont want to be the alpha femme, I dont want to have the pressure of being a leader, I dont think I could handle it. Argeon could, but he is injured right now. I think that we should ask the other three, unless you have an idea?"

Before Raknop could reply Argeon spoke. "I think that Silver and I should be the beta fang and femme." Argeon knew that if any of the wolves did not agree with this, he would be in no position to argue. "Do you have an idea, Raknop?" Argeon asked his new friend.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 14:15, 2006-05-30


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"I'd like to be a Warrior Fang ... I'm not really that good when it comes to leadership. That white she-wolf ... what's her name? Oh, yeah, Kiki. She will probably end up being a Warrior Femme with me. And the other two, Scar and Cliff, I reckon they should be the leaders ... no offence to you guys, but they look like they could handle it. ... Unless ... we could all have specific ranks, but share the leadership?" Raknop said.
Kiki. I like that name he thought I wonder....? No! I can't start thinking like that!
Raknop waited for a reply

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"I think they can handle it, they look capeable." Argeon said as he looked outside the cave to the two wolves. "They should take advice from us if we offer it, but they should get the final descition."

Silver replied, "Well, do you think we should tell them now? I think so. That way we can start the pack as soon as possible."

"Go ahead and tell them, Silver" Argeon told his love.

With a smile, Silver stepped outside to the two unsuspecting wolves and told them the news. "We have decided to make you two the leaders of the new pack! I'm sure you will be good at it, and we wish you the best." She looked up to the surprised wolves and wondered what they would do next.


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"What! th-the l-l-leaders?" Scarlet and Cliff said almost together.

"That's right." Silver replied.

Cliff and Scarlet looked at each other, the other one clearly as surprised as they.

"You'll take the position right?"

"I'll do what I can, but I hope you know that I don't really have any experience.' Scarlet said looking back at Silver.

"Nor I, but I promise that I will do my best as well." Cliff said looking back at Scarlet with a smile on his muzzle. After that he looked at Silver and nodded his head in agreement to the acceptation of the position.


At that they all started to walk in the cave again, Cliff decided to catch Silver and ask her a question once Scarlet was out of earshot.

"Does this mean that I can make Scar my mate if she will have me?" Cliff whispered to Silver, taking care to make sure no one else heard his question.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silverpelt tried to hide her surprise at the unexpected question. "Yes, yes you can" Was all that she could say. With a smile, Cliff turned and headed back to the cave.

How could I have been so blind? She thought to herself. They are perfect for each other. That's a fact.

Silver turned and walked back into the cave. She slowly made her way over to Argeon, then lay down beside him. It felt so good to be beside him, no matter what the situation was she always felt a sence of security when with him. She smiled to herself as she noticed Raknop and Kiki talking together.

I wonder what they are talking about? She thought to herself.


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After she had come in the cave she had gone and lay back down on the far side of the cave away from everyone else. She was about to fall asleep when she heard someone coming towards her. She opened her eyes, it was Cliff.

"What are you doing all the way over here by yourself?" he asked her after he realized that she had seen him.

"Oh, I was just......thinking." Scarlet said raising her head up so they could talk easier. Cliff came and lay down beside her.

"So what is your intake on the whole being made leader thing?" he asked trying to start a conversation with her that way he could build up the nerve to do what he had really come over there for.

"I'm just glad that they like the idea of merging the two packs. It was definitely a surprise though. I guess they trust us, a lot, especially since they feel comfortable with us being the leaders." she said feeling a little uneasy as she got that old familiar feeling in her stomach when Cliff was around, she couldn't help it that she was attracted to him.

"I feel the same way," he said looking at her. At that moment their eyes met and he felt that he was ready. "Scarlet I need to tell you something." he began. Scarlet started to speak but he interrupted her, "No, let me say this first before I lose it."

Scarlet nodded, a sign that she would let him finish before she spoke.

"Scarlet, when I first met you when we were pups I thought to myself, 'Wow.....she is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.' I know all of this sounds confusing but I promise it will make sense in a minuet. Scarlet what I'm trying to say is that even though we are both a different breed of wolf from the other, I still love you. I always have, but have been too afraid to admit it until now. The others making us the leaders gave me enough guts to finally tell you this. Also," he started, pausing, to give her time to let the first part sink in, "it gave me enough guts to finally ask you a question that I've been wanting to ask you for a long time now. Scarlet will you be my mate?" he asked looking at her full in the face so she would know that he meant every word he said and was sincere about it.

She continued to look at him, beginning to breathe hard out of shock as she tried to absorb it all. She looked away to find the strength she needed to say something, anything. Finally she reached deep down and found her courage again; she looked at him and began to reply.

"Cliff, I'm shocked to find this out, I had no idea that you felt that way about me. I must be honest, for the longest time I have been attracted to you and loved you secretly. Cliff, I would be honored to become your mate." she said looking at him with loving eyes.

Hearing Scarlet’s response, Cliff leaned forward and licked her muzzle as a sign of affection. They smiled at each other and looked over to see Raknop and Kiki talking. They discovered that they could hear every word that was being said. Too curious to resist, they turned their heads and listened to their conversation.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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OOC - ok ... first I wanna say: Silver, Scar ... why did you do this to me????? ok ... I'm going back into char now

Slowly, Raknop walked outside. Halting he looked at the ground, and thought carefully over what he, Argeon and Silver had just decided.
It's for the best though he thought However much I hated my Birth Pack, I can never go back now. And, it's not as if I want to go back anyway.
Looking up, he realised that Kiki was standing by herself as well. Why is she alone? She's so pretty ... I wonder...? Could something bad have happened to her as well in her childhood?  
Gathering up his courage, he walked over to stand beside Kiki. "Hey. Do you want to come into the cave and talk?" he asked.  Looking up, startled, Kiki replied. "Yes. That would be nice."
Walking together towards the cave, Raknop smiled as he heard Argeon, Silver, Scar and Cliff conversing. He knew what was been said, and why it was being said. As they entered the cave, Raknop glanced sideways at Kiki. Would she be alright if I asked her to tell me her history? he thought.
Pausing, he said "We can lay down here for the time being." Looking around, he now saw that Cliff and Scar were looking very joyful and were nuzzling each other. I wonder what happened? Turning his attention back to Kiki, he asked her gently "Why are you so sad? ... It's no use saying that you're not sad, you know ... your body language and moods tell a whole different story."
Waiting patiently for a response, he watched Kiki with a look of concern on his face. Should I tell Raknop my sad history? she thought. Looking at this wolf that had showed her so much gentleness in the space of about 5 minutes, she decided that she would tell him. Recounting her history, her voice fell into the pitch of some recounting something for the first time.
[Italics now ... she's telling her story, but you're going to view it as if it was a dream]
"You know that I only want Skarp as my mate. I will not reconsider." Kiki said to her mother. Walking away, she flung over her shoulder "And don't try to force me to reconsider either!" Running off, she retreated to the place where she knew she wouldn't be disturbed ... beside the waterfall.
Resting beside a large pine tree, she looked around. Thinking over the long period of courtship that had gone on between herself and Skarp, she smiled.
To think that he would stop at nothing to have me as his mate ... it seems very typical of him she thought.
Now that she had cooled off after her period of yelling, she rose, and padded back to the area where her Birth Pack had made it's claims. Almost immediately after arriving, she felt a lump of uneasiness form in the pit of her stomach. What was going on? Racing to the entrance of the clearing, she saw two other wolves, padding towards the Pack's territory boundaries. With her heart in her throat, she walked towards them, then realised that the two wolves were part of the Pack.
"Gina, Angie, what news do you bring?" she asked. "Not good news at all" Gina replied. Now that she knew something dreadful had happened. She ran towards the family den, knowing that she should find her mother and father, as they should know this news more than any other wolf in the Pack.
Finding her mother and father together was good luck, as it meant that she would have more time to hear the news. "Mother, Father ... we must go to the tree stump. Gina and Angie have news ... and they say that it is not good."
Following her parents to the stump, she watched them call the pack. As soon as all of the wolves - minus the recent litter of pups - had assembled in the middle of the clearing, Gina and Angie began their tale.
They had trekked for days, in search of some of the wolves who had gone on the celebratory hunt had gone missing. Quite by accident, they had seen Skarp herding one of the two-leggers herds, looking for the youngest or weakest of the herd of deer, so as to kill it.
What they said that they saw next broke Kiki's heart. A two-legger, with fur on his chin, and carrying a metal stick, was advancing upon Skarp. When Skarp did not hear the warnings that Angie and Gina howled, the result was that he did not stop herding the deer. The two-legger raised the metal stick, and a loud noise and smoke came out of the end. They saw Skarp stop, and slowly sink onto the ground. The two-legger led the deer away, not even looking back.
That was when Gina and Angie had returned, fearful for Skarp's life, and their own.
At the end of their story, everybody had looked around to peer at Kiki. She was sitting, with tears streaming slowly down the sides of her face. Her mother came over to nudge her daughter gently with the end of her muzzle. "Do you want to go have a look for yourself, Kiki?" she was asked. "Yes ... I'd like that." Kiki replied. Turning to face Angie and Gina, she asked them "Where do I find the field?" After being given directions, she left the boundaries of her Birth Pack, to go find Skarp.
~~~~~ LATER THAT DAY ~~~~~
Arriving finally at the field, she saw that there was a patch of blood. Sniffing for a scent, she caught hold of Skarp's now familier smell. So he was here she thought Well, he's no longer here, so where did the two-leggers take him? 
Following the scent carefully, she was lead to the two-leggers camp. Oh, no. nonononono! she thought Anything but this! Slowly, she walked around the outskirts of the area, and found a place where she could see everything that was going on - underneath a Caravan [the people were gypsies].
Peering out from where she was, she saw a two-legger that matched Gina and Angie's description. Shuddering at what must have happened to her beloved Skarp, she watched him intently. He must have brought Skarp's body back here she thought I'm sure of it.
In horror, she found that the other two-leggers that had been crowding around something had moved, and she was now offered a clear view of Skarp's lifeless body. Feeling the beginning of a mournful howl start at the back of her throat, she clamped her jaws shut, knowing that to make a sound would bring forwards her own death.
Watching in disgust, she saw the male two-legger walk towards Skarp's body, and, bending down, begin to skin his lovely fur off his carcass. In utter revulsion, she shuddered, then forced herself to continue to watch. Next, the man tied Skarp's two front paws together, and then did the same to his hind legs. He then put a stick in between them, and placed that, upsidedown, on top of other sticks. These sticks were situated over a patch of bright red, flickering heat.
Knowing that she would howl at any moment, she backed out from where she was, and raced towards her home. Instead of going towards the Den, she went back to the waterfall, and mourned for her lost love.......
[Italics is finished]

Finishing her story, she cleared her throat and went to get a drink.
Coming back, she lay down once again. "Is that really true?" Raknop asked. Voice cracking, Kiki replied. "Yes. Every little bit of it." Looking at the she-wolf with newfound respect, Raknop crawled closer and lay his chin on the top of Kiki's head.
"Well, it's alright now. I'm here, and I won't let anything happen that will cause you to worry. Taking his head away, Raknop looked at Kiki, an expression there that had not been there before. "Kiki ... in case you didn't realise, I ... well, I like you." he said.
He carefully watched her eyes, and grinned as they widened in shock and surprise. "Really?" she asked him, voice quivering. "Yes. And I won't let anything happen to either of us, or any of the others." he said. Laying even closer to Kiki that he had been, he nuzzled her affectionatly.

-- Edited by psycho_wolf at 13:04, 2006-05-28

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

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psycho_wolf wrote:

OOC - ok ... first I wanna say: Silver, Scar ... why did you do this to me?????

OOC- what do you mean? Are you refering that we moved the story along quite a bit while you wern't on? Ok I'm going back in character now.

As Cliff and Scarlet listened to what all was being said in the conversation they looked at each other in disbeliefe. Kiki had only told Scar part of her story she had never heard this part. For a moment or so she pondered over what she had just heard, Kiki ran away because of her sadness for her mate's death. Just then another thought reguarding the conversation poped into her mind. "Does Kiki like Raknop back?"

As they noticed that the conversation was over Scarlet looked back at Cliff, "Do you think we should go tell them of our decision now or wait a little while?"

"I think that we might want to tell them now since everyone is awake." Cliff replied looking at her affectionately. He watched as Scar nodded in agreement. They stood up and went to the center of the room.

Clearing her throat Scarlet began to speak loud enough for everyone in the cave to hear, "Everyone would you please come to the center here, we have an important anouncement to make." After everyone was around them except for Argeon, who was still laying down nearby, Cliff began to speak again.

"Everyone, Scar and I would first like to thank you for apointing us as your leaders. We promise to make every decision acording to what is best for the pack and nothing else. Secondly I would like to anounce that after being apointed leader that I decided to make the bigest decision of my life; I went and asked Scar to be my mate."

They all looked at Scarlet. "Did you accept, Scar?" Kiki asked.

Smiling she replied, "Yes, I did accept his proposal."

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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OOC - nooo ... you made me have to say something, and I had absolutely no idea what I would say. BIC

"Yay!" Kiki said, nodding in approval. "I could tell that you both liked each other, and I was wondering when you'd tell each other."
Looking at Raknop shyly, she whispered "Guess what ... I like you as well."
Hoping that the others had not heard their conversation, Kiki lay her head on her paws.

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As the rest of the pack went back to what they were doing before the meeting was called Cliff turned to Scarlet and smiled.

"Would you like to go talk for awhile about what our plans for the pack are going to be?" Cliff asked.

"Myself personally, I think we should just deal with problems and such as they come up." Scarlet said. "Pluss the pack was just recently formed there isn't really much to discuss as far as the pack is concerend at this moment. Besides, the only thing that really needs to be done at the moment is scout the land and see all the territory and mark it, not that there is any worry about other wolves comming into the pack territory."

Cliff nodded his head in agreement.

"If you don't mind I think I'm going to go talk to Kiki for a moment."

"You know I don't mind. We all need to talk and be with our friend sometimes. I think I'm going to go take a nap while you do that." Cliff said as he went to go lay down.

Walking over to Kiki and Raknop, Scarlet asked Kiki, "Can I talk to you for a moment, Kiki?"

"Sure." she said standing up to follow Scarlet. "What's up Scar?"

"Well, I'm not quite sure how to run a pack and I need a little advice." Scar said looking at Kiki.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Stunned, Kiki listened to the request that her friend had just made.
"Ar - are you sure?" Kiki asked

OOC = "don't worry ... there's no sugar" ... sorry ... I just had to do that! BIC

Sighing, Scar replied "Yes Kiki. I'm absolutely positive that I want advice."
"Oh ... I'm sorry if that just made you feel a bit uncomfortable Scar" Kiki apologised ... then she asked "What advice do you need?"

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psycho_wolf wrote:

OOC = "don't worry ... there's no sugar" ... sorry ... I just had to do that! BIC

OOC- Huh? ......I don't get it. BIC

"Well, as you know I'm not too used to being around other wolves. I'm very rusty on the formalities and customs and laws of a pack, and I’d imagine that Cliff is as well considering he left his old pack to come look for me and hasn't been in one since. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need some help learning the ways of pack life again. Also, I'm afraid that I'll mess up and...." Scarlet said as she started rambling off her fears and anxieties to her friend.

As Kiki waited for Scarlet to stop rambling, she pondered over what she would tell her friend to calm her down. Finally as Scarlet calmed down and stopped her ramblings, she knew exactly what to tell her friend that would get her mind off the worries and still answer her questions at the same time.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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"Um ... this may be a little sudden. Would you like me to kinda be the Pack counsellor? What I mean by this is, if anybody has problems or needs help, I'll try and supply them with an answer." Kiki asked.

Hoping that Scar would like this idea, she waited for a reply.


OOC = Oh. There's an ad on TV here about Pepsi. Someone's going to do something really stupid, so another person gives them a drink of Pepsi. The person that drank the Pepsi says "Are you sure?" ... the other says "Don't worry. There's no sugar." ... I hope you get it now.

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OOC- Ok, I kinda get it now, thank's Psy. BIC

After Kiki had finished, Scar thought over the situation that was at hand. After a few seconds of considering she had come up with her answer.

"Until I get the hang of this I think that is probably our best bet. Ok, you can be the counselor. I trust you with the position. Even after I get the hang of this I'll still let you keep the position to help out everyone." Scarlet said hoping that Kiki wouldn't mind the permanent position of Pack Counselor.

"Ok. I'm glad I could help, Scar."

"I'm glad that I chose to talk to you about my dilemma instead of anyone else. Thank you, Kiki." Scarlet said as she perked her ears up and listened for a few moments. "Did you just hear something coming from outside the cave?"

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 14:13, 2006-05-30

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silver was very grateful for her new friend, the two were perfect for one another. Noticing how tired she was, Silver layed down close to Argeon. "I love you, and I am so glad that you are here with me"

"Me too." Argeon layed his head beside Silver's. "I will never let anything happen to you for as long as I live."

She sighed happily. Life could not get better.

Silverpelt lay there, thinking about what lay ahead of them in life, and wondered how the pack would grow. Pups! That is what they needed. But then again, only the alpha fang and femme could have pups.

Her thoughts were broken when she noticed that Scarlet was alert, concentrating on something outside.

"Argeon, look. Scar is hearing something... and I dont know what it is." She got up, and licked him on the face. "I am going to go check it out."

Argeon warned Silver to be careful as she came up beside Scarlet. As she listened closer, she realised that she could hear something, also.


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Slowly turning her head, Kiki listened carefully with perked ears. "Nnnooo. I can't he-  What was that?" Snapping her head around, she got up from her haunches and bounded towards the entrance of the cave.

All of a sudden, she found that Raknop was beside her. "Where are you going?" he asked, as she slowed down and began to cautiously inch her way closer towards the entrance. "Ssshhh!" she hissed. Ears straining, she suddenly heard what it was that was outside the cave. Turning around she went back to tell Scar the news.

"You may not believe it, but there's a bear outside the cave. It's trying to eat the rest of the rabbit carcesses." she said.

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As Silver saw the horrid beast, tearing at the rabbits, the realization of the danger everyone was in fell heavily over the pack. It had not noticed them... yet. She walked stiff-legged back to Argeon, and quietly sat down beside him again.

She said in a low voice, "Argeon, you will not believe this... but there is a bear outside of the cave. What if it comes inside? You are not in any condition to fight... and you know that I am a terrible fighter." Silver then noticed how cowardly she seemed. "I should go help the others, maybe we can create a diversion in order to lure the bear away from the cave. Yeah! That is an idea that may actually work."

It pained Argeon to see his love leave and jump into the face of danger, with nothing he could do to help.

She silently moved over to Scarlet and Kiki. With her voice as low as she could make it, and still be audible to her friends, she suggested her idea. "Maybe one of us could slip outside and fool the brute into chasing her. That would lure him away from the cave... but maybe that is not the best idea..."


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"You know ... that could actually work. But, we kinda need your permission first Scar." Kiki said, keeping her voice as equally low as Silver had kept hers.

Waiting patiently for an answer, Kiki looked towards the entrance of the cave and began to warily watch for any signs that the bear would try and enter.

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"If we do this it is probably better if there were two that went out instead of just one that way if one gets caught or stumbles and the bear tries to attack the other would have help." Scarlet said keeping her voice low as well. Looking at her friends she asked, "Who wants to come with me to lure it away?"

As she waited for a response she turned her attention back towards the cave entrance she could hear the bear coming closer and closer, maybe this was its cave originally. If that was the case then luring it off wouldn't work but they would have to try something, and quick, before it realized that the pack was there. The bear was almost to the cave now; they would have to act that moment, or never.

"I don't care who comes just as long as they are careful, but right now its fixing to come in so now is the time to act or we are dead because we can't fight it in close quarters. I'm heading on, whoever is going to help just follow close behind me that way if one gets hurt the other will be there to help." Scarlet said as she silently padded to the entrance to confront the bear.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Silver turned cautiously to Raknop and Kiki. "Would one of you like to go? I will if you dont want to. We had better hurry though..."

Silver wanted to go, to be adventorous, but was afraid to. She was afraid to leave Argeon...


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Raknop and Kiki spoke simultanously. "I'll go." Then, looking quickly at each other, they grinned. They'd only known each other for such a short time, and they were alrready speaking at the same time!

Turning around, Raknop said gently to Silver "Don't worry. We'll get rid of the creature. You just stay here and get ready to protect Argeon in case we fail."

As Raknop and Kiki began to pad gently after Scar, they began to walk together, same pace, same movements.

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As Silver watched the two wolves leave, a gripping fear came upon her. What if one of her new friends were hurt while dealing with this creature? That was certainly not something that she wanted to happen. She made her way back to Argeon, feeling guilty that she let her friends walk into danger without her saying anything about it.

Shaking, she told Argeon that Scarlet, Raknop, and Kiki had gone off to try to lure the bear away from the cave. "I'm so afraid that something will happen to them" She said, trying to keep a straight face.

Argeon looked towards the entrance of the cave, and said nothing. Silverpelt had known him long enough to know what he was thinking. He, too was worried about their new found friends. Now, all they could do is wait for them to return.


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As Kiki slowly padded forward, she looked over her shoulder and shot a smile in the direction of where Silver lay. She knew how the other felt, and hoped that they would all get through this alive.

All of a sudden, she stopped. What she'd just seen had scared the hell out of her. Slinking slowly towards one of the sides of the cave entrance, she looked towards Scar and Raknop to find that they were doing the same thing.

Hoping that the bear would not see her, she slowly lowered herself onto the ground so that her stomach touched the ground, and she resumed slinking towards the entrance. All of a sudden, the great beast turned around, and, forgetting that the bear might see her, she dashed towards the entrance.

As soon as she exited, she whirled around and snapped her jaws, about 5 feet away from the bear. It stopped moving, as it began to growl low in its throat. Baring her teeth, she padded forwards slowy, keeping her eyes locked on those of the beasts.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Scar and Raknop had exited the cave as well, and were watching the bear as warily as she was herself.

Finally deciding that she would be the one to divert the attention from the cave entrance, Kiki whirled around and padded away. She stopped and looked back, hoping that the stupid creature would follow her.

Her heart leaping into her throat, she realised that it was following her. Backing away slowly, she signalled with a toss of her head to the other two to back her up in case the bear tried to turn around. Turning around herself, she began to walk at a much faster pace than she had been.

Glancing backwards, she saw the bear quicken its pace......

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Scarlet watched in horror as the bear kept getting closer and closer to Kiki. This made her quicken her pace to make sure her friend didn't get hurt. She kept following, all of a sudden she realized that Kiki was running straight into a dead end. "Oh no. I've got to warn her!" she thought to herself as she sped ahead even faster hoping that she would be able to tell Kiki in time.

She was too late they were already there. She watched as Kiki tried to turn around but couldn't due to the bear being in the way. At that moment she knew she would have to act. They were going to have to fight their way out. She pounced on the bear's back hoping this would give Kiki a chance to get away from the corner and circle around to help. She was soon flung aside like a rag doll. Standing back up she shook her head to clear it. When she looked back at the bear she noticed that Kiki and Raknop were already fighting it. She rushed back in to help as well. They all fought the bear viciously; ripping and tearing at any flesh that they could sink their claws and teeth into. Every once in a while someone would be flung a few feet but they always got back up and rushed back into the brawl once more. After what seemed like an eternity the bear fell, never to open its eyes again to see the light of day.

All of them panting really hard looked at each other, glad that it was over. They all had their scrapes and bruises. Scarlet had lost a lot of blood, she didn't know about Kiki and Raknop. "That's the second fight I've been in in the past day or so." Scarlet said looking at her friends. She started to limp painfully over to them to see how badly they were hurt. As she limped over to them she thought about what Cliff would say about her leg being the way it was at the moment.

"The bear got a hold of your leg and flung you by it?!?! Oh goodness what am I going to do with you?" That’s what she imagined him to say anyways.

Finally reaching Kiki and Raknop she got a chance to look at their injuries from the fight.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Panting slightly from the onslaught of the bear's viciousness, Kiki had a quick look around and saw just how many scratches and bruises she had.

"Oh, man. My body is so gonna ache in the morning" she said. As Scar came over, Kiki noticed right away that she was limping. "Scar ... are you OK? ... wait, no, of course not. You're limping." Shaking her head at herself, she slowly neared Scar and gently licked at the leg that Scar was limping on.

As Raknop neared Scar as well, she looked at him, and she quickly assessed the damage that he had taken. Not bad. If it wasn't for that stupid bear, we'd all be safe, and the Alpha Femme of our pack would not be injured. she thought

Going to the side opposite of that which Scar was limping on, Kiki told her friend to lean on her, and she would help her to get back to the cave. As the three wolves made their way back to the cave, Kiki looked up and saw Cliff at the entrance.

As soon as he saw the state that his mate and pack members were in, he came over immediatly...

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Shocked to see the state of his mate and his pack members he quickly rushed over.

"Thank God you’re all alive! I was worried, I was fixing to go and look for you." he said looking at everyone. "Scar," he said turning to his mate, "what happened? Why are you limping? Why is everyone so scratched up? Did you have to fight it?" he began rambling off his questions but finally stopped his self realizing how he sounded. "Lets get you all inside, then you three can relate the story to the rest of us." he said as he went to Scarlet's other side to try and help.

As they got inside they all went to the back to lie down and tell the story to everyone. As they related the story everyone's eyes got wide. It was a miracle that they had all survived the fight.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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"I am so glad that you all made it out alright..." Silver said, laying beside Argeon. He was just as relieved as she, but he kept quiet. "Well, you are injured, but that will mend with time..."

Silver looked around the circle of new friends. They were a pack now, and would fight for each other's safetey.


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Speaking quietly, Kiki announced to the Pack "Um ... just so that you all know. Scar has appointed me as Pack Counsellor. I guess this means that when any of you have a problem with something, just come and talk, and I'll see what I can do to help."

Laying down, she nuzzled Raknop's muzzle gently with her own. As he turned his head, she averted her eyes, as she knew what might happen if she were to stare full-on.

"Kiki ... why do you avert your eyes?" Raknop asked.

"I - I've learnt that when I stare at someone, they feel threatened." she replied slowly.

"Well ... are we not equals? If you look at me full-on, I'll not feel threatened." he said, knowing that what she had learnt was the main way of life in current wolf Packs.

Haltingly, she raised her eyes, and, within Raknop's eyes, she saw that what he said was true. He considered her as his equal, and would not flinch or feel threatened if their eyes made contact.

~~~ 5 minutes later ~~~

Raising her head from where she had layed it on her paws, she told Raknop thaat she would go and get a drink from the stream outside.

Standing, she padded outside, and got herself a drink. All of a sudden....

Whipping her head up from drinking, she carefully surveyed the area. What she'd heard had sounded strangely like another wolf approaching.

Looking towards the entrance of the cave, she saw none of the others coming.

Turning her head, she saw a she-wolf coming from betweenn some bushes.

"Wh- who are you?" she asked, not wanting to seem impolite, but surprised nonetheless.

"My name?" the other asked. "It is Snupsry. May I drink?"

"Of course." Kiki replied. "But ... where abouts are you from? If you'll come with me, I'll introduce you to my Pack leaders."

The other clearly looked shocked. "There's a Pack around here? But there were no scent markings!"

"Uh ... yeah. That's kinda because we are a newly formed Pack." Kiki said, a little embarrassed at the others outburst. "Look ... if you come with me ... are you a Lone Wolf?"

"Yes" "OK then. Please come with me, and I'll introduce you to the others." Kiki said, padding away, she lead the she-wolf into the cave, making sure that nothing about her seemed aggressive.

"Hey, guys. I found another wolf!" she called out.

-- Edited by Psycho Wolf at 04:34, 2006-06-06

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Cautiously following the other she-wolf, Snupsry realised that she didn't even know the others name.
As they entered the cave, she stopped in her tracks. There were 5 other wolves in the cave. 1 was injured, while 2 others, plus the she-wolf, were covered in scratches.
What has been happening around here? she thought Oh, well. I'll finally have contact with other wolves at last, so it doesn't matter.
As the other she-wolf [Kiki] went and layed down next to a male wolf, Snupsry stopped and sat on her haunches. She didn't know what to do.
All of a sudden, one of the wolves began to speak.

-- Edited by moonstalker at 10:47, 2006-06-06


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Scarlet looked at Kiki then at the newcomer.

"What is your name?"

"Snupsry," she answered.

"My name is Scarlet, Scarlet Whitetail; you can call me Scar if you wish. I am the alpha femme. My mate Cliff Greypaw, Cliff for short, is the alpha fang." Scarlet said as she tilted her head in Cliff's direction to indicate which one he was. "We are a recently formed pack," Scarlet began, "I am assuming that since Kiki offered to bring you in here and you followed that you are interested in joining the pack. Am I correct in my assumption?"

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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"Yes. Yes, you are.... I am currently aware of the Pack rankings, and would like the lowest, so that I am able to prove myself worthy of higher rankings. Is this possible?" Snupsry asked.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 02:44, 2006-06-07


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"Yes, that is definitely possible. Although I was going to give you Omega but if you would prefer to start out on the lowest rank possible then we will do that." Scar said, "Welcome to the pack, we don't have a name for it yet but welcome nonetheless."

"Why don't everyone introduce themselves?" Cliff said looking to the members of the pack.

Slowly, Silver stood up and looked to Snupsry, "I am Silverpelt, you may call me Silver. This..." she said tilting her head towards Argeon, "is Argeon, my mate."

OOC- I know I was controlling Silver's character there but since she isn't here and won't be until late Friday I figured I would move the story along by doing that. Hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries. Am I overstepping them, Psy?

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Raknop stood, and said "I am Raknop." While Kiki waited, she realised that she had not told Snupsry hher name. "Oops. I forgot. Anyway, my name is Kiki."

OOC = nope ... seeing as Silver is absent, you're allowed to do that.

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"Well ... as you all know, my name is Snupsry" she said, carefully looking at each wolf in turn, though making sure that she did not look them straight in the eye.
Padding over towards a wall, Snupsry lay down, placing her head on her paws. "Hey, Silver. Would you like to go for a walk outside?" she heard Kiki ask.



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Hearing the invitation, Silverpelt wondered why, but accepted the invitation. Besides, it would be nice to talk to her new friend, and get to know her better. "Yeah, that would be fun" she replied with a smile.

She looked at Argeon, telling him with her eyes that she would be back soon.

Silver trotted politely up to Kiki, and asked her where they were going.


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"Just outside." Kiki said in reply. As she and Silver walked outside, she thought carefully about what she was about to suggest.
"OK. I know it's just a little on the early side to be asking about this type of stuff, but what I'm about to suggest will affect you as well. Well, I was thinking about asking Scar whether or not all of the females that have a mate would be able to mate ... or just her and Cliff. I'm not sure yet whether or not I want to mate with Raknop, but I can tell that you want to mate with Argeon."
Sitting down, Kiki waited patiently for a reply.

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Obviously shocked, Silver replied, "W-w-well... yes, I was wondering... how did you know? I mean..." The akwardness she felt was to great to bear. Of the two years of Silver and Argeon being together, they had never had pups.

Silverpelt then noticed how stupid she must seem at the moment. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and replied, "I think we should ask her, if that is alright with you"


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"It was kinda easy to tell from your facial expressions that you want pups with Argeon." Kiki said gently. "Yes. We should ask Scarlet. Otherwise ... I don't want to know what'll happen"
Entering the cave once more, Kiki asked Scar to come outside.

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Slowly, Scarlet followed Kiki out of the cave to where Silver was.

"Ok, what is it, is something wrong?" Scarlet said not sure what this was about.

"No, everything is fine, my friend." Kiki replied quickly.

"Phew, I thought something was wrong or something. Ok, continue, what's on your all's minds?"

Kiki and Silver related their thoughts to Scarlet. Scarlet stood there, stupefied and flabbergasted that they had guessed her thoughts. She had liked Cliff for a long time before he had asked her to be his mate and even though they had been mates for only a short time, she did long for a litter of pups to raise, but there was something that she hadn't thought about until just then, since the topic was out in the open and open for discussion between the three highest ranking femme's in the pack.

"I don't know how you guessed my thoughts but yes, I was actually thinking about bringing the topic to Cliff's attention. I have no problem with you and Argeon mating, Silver, and I have no problem with you and Raknop mating if you decide you want to, Kiki, but there is a problem with me and Cliff mating. I hadn't really thought much about it until now but I am a Red Wolf and he is a Timber Wolf, if we had pups......they would be considered impure by others outside the pack, and also be called names and such. I don't know....." Scarlet said, "What do you all think?"

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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"I think you should have the pups anyway. Definantly." Kiki replied.
Continuing, she said "I mean, if Raknop and I were to have pups, the same thing would happen. I am a Winter Elemental, and he is a Timber wolf. What are we meant to do? ... I reckon we should just go for it. If other wolves have problems with our pups heritage, then they'll have us to answer to."

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"I never thought about that." Silver thought for a moment. "But they will always be loved and accepted here in this pack... you know that I will love them. I have a soft spot for pups."

But we don't know the opinions of other future pups. She thought to herself, to afraid to say it aloud. Well, I wouldnt let my pups make fun of them, at least.

Glancing back towards the cave, Silver wondered how Argeon would react to the news.


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"Silver, I'm glad that you do have a soft spot for pups" Kiki said. Raising her head so that she could look at the night sky, Kiki wondered how Raknop would react to the news.
I know we have only been together since the start of the day, but what will he think of me if I go into the cave and say "Let's have pups together" she thought. Damn it ... I'll have to tell him sooner or later....
Lowering her head to look at her friends, she asked "Should we go inside and tell the others? Or do we just go inside?"

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Silver felt sorry for Kiki, knowing that telling Raknop so soon would be hard for her. After all, the two wolves had only met recently. Silver, on the other hand, wanted to tell Argeon right away.

"I dont know about you all, but I am going to go and tell Argeon. I hope he is as excited about pups as I am!" She said as she bolted towards the cave entrance. She passed Snupsry, who was now asleep, and came to Argeon. She sat down in front of him, and began to tell him the news.

"Argeon, Kiki was curious as to wether or not lower members of the pack could have pups. We both knew that in an average pack, this would be against the rules. But, letting all the femmes in the pack have pups at almost the same time would therefore increase the pack numbers and strength," she said, trying to sound intelligent. "We asked Scar if this would be all right with her, and she said it was. So now Raknop and Kiki and you and I are allowed to have pups! Isnt that wonderful? I have always wanted to have a litter of pups, they are so cute. I love them!"

"Wow, I like pups too. Silver, I am glad that you and Kiki asked Scarlet if we could do this." Argeon had a proud look on his face, obviously excited about the thought of pups.

"I wonder how many there will be. Oh Argeon, having pups will be such a big responsibility... I hope we will be able to stand through it all."

"Of course we will, I am sure you will be a good mother. Not to mention the fact that I will protect you and the pups with my life."

Overcome with her love for Argeon, Silver settled down beside him, and lay her head on her paws. She saw Kiki come into the cave, obviously still trying to decide weather or not she should tell Raknop about the news.

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