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A random question

I have a very random question...

Are there wolves in Austrailia? I mean, I know that there are dingoes, but wolves?

Psy, I know you of all people would probably know this I am just curious.


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No, unfortuanaltly there are no wolves in Australia

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That's too bad.

You know, the closest thing to a wolf that I have seen in the wild in America would be a coyote!


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ah, well.

At least you have animals that look relatively like a wolf. The dingoes ... *no, I haven't seen one in real life, but I have seen one on TV *  ... they look rather like a dog, and not anything like a wolf.

But, yes, they are the closest thing that we have to a wolf ... maybe we should get an introduction program happening? ... oh, wait, no, the humidity in Australia wouldn't help them much ... oh well

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I've seen a wolf in real life before, but it ran after it saw me.

In any case yea the humidity in Australia wouldn't be good for wolves. I heard a rumor that their are actually a few tazmanian tiger's left in Australia. Is that true? I heard that there were some sightings but that was also a rumor so I don't know.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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hey, kewl ... I'd like to see a wolf ... maybe I will someday ... I plan on visiting other countries when I get older

Um, yea, I've heard that 'rumour' as well ... not exactly sure if it's true though. I used to live in Tassie, but I only lived in the Northern parts. I'll tell you one thing though ... there aren't any Tasmanian Tigers in Brissie

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I think it would be cool if there were still Tasmanian Tigers in Australia some where.

In any case I hope you get to see a wolf some day, and when you do start traveling to see other countries be careful. Even though I only know you on here I still consider you a friend and I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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awww ... isn't that sweet? ... nah, its OK I feel the same way to you Scar, and Silver too

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Me too! We're like the Internet Wolf Trio... or the Wolf Threesome over the Internet... ok I'll shutup now


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Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver.........that didn't sound right at all.What you just said that is.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Ok... I'm completely clueless... what did I say? Or do I even want to know...

*GASP* I think I know... Ahhh...

I didnt mean that... you all know that. I'm sorry.


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We know, its ok. Calm down. Anywho its ok I've said things like that in the past on XC and you know what yes everyone did take it the wrong way, I knew what you ment but you just worded it to where someone who has their head in the gutter could interpret it that way. Also before anyone says anything about what I just said its just because at school ALL the people that have their head in the gutter are in practically all my classes.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Yeah, I know what you mean. A certain someone, who is a friend of ours, got me to start thinking that way. You know who I am talking about.


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Yes I know who your talking about, or at least I think I do it could be one of two people. Either the one that sits with us at lunch everyday and that also has a crush on you or it is the one that used to hang around with all year last year but haven't been able to this year because he has the special ed classes. Which one is it, or am I totally in left field?

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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The guy that has the crush on me

Ya, today, because of the messed up test- schedual, my boyfriend wasn't in my lunch period, so he comes up, and he puts his hand on my shoulder, and that is like, the first time he has ever touched me... ever.

And if anyone reading that has their mind in the gutter, dont say anything, cuz I didn't mean it that way.


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Goodness, I'm sorry that your bf wasn't in you lunch today Silver. Also I can't believe that Trace would do that I mean why did he anyways?

I know this is totally off topic but guess what, I forgot my user name and password for WW. I'm such an idiot sometimes its not even funny.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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He surprised me! Trace would never do anything like that! I think he is just jealous of Andy cuz before we began to "go out", Trace and I used to hang out alot.

Well, today Trace invited me to go to Pizza Hut after school, I went because it would be rude to turn it down. It was so akward, but thankfully my mom arrived at just the right time and started to talk about random things, so we kinda forgot about the present and started to live the past, if you know what I mean.

Sorry you forgot your password, that probably stinks. I hope you can remember it! Trust me, I can be that forgetful too.


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Yea, I know how Trace is I've known him since 1st grade and we've been friends since then too. In any case there for awhile, this was over two years ago, it seemed like he liked us both at the same time. Did you notice that? It was really weird, but in anycase this, what I'm fixing to tell you, ought to make you feel better. For the first couple of months that Mitch and I were dating he was like that towards me too, like it was jelousy or something, but you know, now its just like things used to be he doesn't try anything anymore and we hang out sometimes but just not as often. Anyway, I guess to make a long story short Silver, it will just take some time for him to adjust to reality and the fact that his other best friend has started to date someone, his friend, Andy.

Reguarding my username and password forgetfulness, it's ok. I'll just have to think a little harder I use the same usernames over and over and the same for my passwords except all of my accounts on each forum I'm a member of is different, its so bad that sometimes I forget which password goes to which account. This aside it is kinda humerous though.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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I'm glad that he's probably in a faze. Well, it dosent really matter now since we are out of school and he is moving... although I think that Trace is going to throw a "going away party" and we are all invited. I just hope that he dosent try anything to seperate Andy and I.

I had the weiredest dream the other night... It was lunchtime and Andy and I were holding hands, and there were no teachers around so we were sitting really close, and then I looked up at him to ask him a question, and instead of seeing Andy, I saw TRACE. I woke up with a jump and I was sweating. That was the weiredest dream I have ever had!

I know, you could go on that website and look at something that you have posted, and maybe you will remember the password. just a thought, though.


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Silverwolf22 wrote:

I know, you could go on that website and look at something that you have posted, and maybe you will remember the password. just a thought, though.

Only one problem with that, I haven't posted anything on there yet. I started to but it was durring a storm and the power went out. Just my luck.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Oh dear, that is not good. Maybe you could create another account, but then again that would just be wasting space on the internet. You could, though.


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I think what I'll do is go to the website and try and remember and the if I can't remember then what I'll do is get them to e-mail my info to me. Its worked before on another web site.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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That would work, too. In fact, I think that I have done something like that on other websites.


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Guess what, I just remembered that I saved that confromation letter I looked at my info nd went to type it in at WW and it said that it was wrong and that there was no user by that name. I thought that was weird. Any clues as to what that could be about Psy?

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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I'm not exactly sure what it is ... I kinda make sure that I write down all of my logins and passwords. ... but, something really weird is happening at WW ... about 2 weeks ago, I put in Kiki's profile, except her appearance and breed had changed, and I went back again last week, and my whole post wasn't there!!! ... it'd just vanished. Unless ... do you think the mod's might have had something to do with it?
I think I'm giving up on WW ... I haven't really been a regular member anyways. ... if you wanna send me a PM ... my user is skewlkid :)

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Ok, I got my grades in the mail yesterday and guess what......I'm officially a sophmore! Even thought I made 3 "D"'s I'm just happy that I passed. The rest of my grades were "B"'s and "A"'s though.

Oh, I have a question for you Psy. Do the people in Australia play a game called football? Over in the US they do and I was just wondering cause there is another question I was going to ask but before I asked that one I had to ask this one.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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I got mine in too, although I made straight "B"'s (I can never seem to make straight "A"'s, but I guess I am just not trying hard enough). I cant wait to start Honors Biology! For that class we had to read a novel about wolves over the summer. The only thing is, the main character in it is an insane man. He is a scientist who studies wolf behavior, and he notices how the wolves mark their territory. He decides that he will try the same thing! So he "marks his territory" around his tent. That is so nasty! And the funny thing is, he said that the wolf comes up, sniffs the boundary and approves of it by marking the other side.

Anyways, yeah, I am wondering the same thing too, is there football over in Austrailia? Pretty much all the guys in America are crazy about that game, and they make a big deal about the different teams, and weather they win or lose.


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Yeah ... we have football ... but I'm fairly sure that what you guys call football and what we call football is fairly different.

I don't want that taken the wrong way though ... I'm just saying that what you guys may call something, we call it something entirely different.

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Yeah, I know what you mean Psy. In England,they call what we call Soccer Football.

I cant really explain Football that well because I am not a huge fan... but as far as I know it is when a group of guys chases an odd shaped ball around a feild, and tries to kick it over the other team's line, or something like that. It looks like chaos to me. I have never really been a big fan of it.

Scarlet would be able to give a better explination than me.


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Well our football is a team sport. The ball is in a rounded off diamond type shape. The two teams play on a rectangular field that is either 150 or 200 yards long, I can't remember which. Anyways at the two ends of the field there is a little section that they have that is set aside for the teams to try and run the ball in for some points, called a touchdown. Each team has there own touchdown area. Also at the end of the field behind the touch down area is a fieldgoal, what that is is a tall metal structure in the shape of a capital "T" with two more pieces coming up out of the two ends of the "T" type if the team kicks the ball through the opening at the top then it is a good kick and they score 1 or 3 points depending on the situation. Each team has strategys and stuf like that, that they shout out to their team members that are on the field with them,in four "downs", basically 4 plays they try to complete a distance of 10 yards, if they do so they start over at a first down, I know this sounds confusing but trust me even after watching football games every friday night last year its still a little confusing to me. Hope this makes some sort of sense.

The reason I had asked the question is that I was going to ask if you had a marching band at your school that marched durring football season. Do you? I'm just currious for I am in a marching band durring football season, thats why I saw all those football games last year.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.


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Nope ... I'm not in anything like that ... sorry

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged, only to find the ways in which you yourself have altered

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Does your school have one though?

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Hmmm ... I'm not really sure. I don't think that we do.

On Wednesdays, we have inter-school sport, and we verse other schools in certain sports ... Football is one of them, but I do Tennis instead ... only one minor problem.

I'm the only girl in the sport, apart from the teacher!!!

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That stinks, I knw what your going through though. I was the only girl on the Chess team for two or three years straight.

Anyways, I'd play Tennis with you if I was at your school because I play Tennis but I'm not though. I hope you get more girls to play Tennis.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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I hope so....

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I think that Andy wants me to join the Tennis team next year. I'm all for it, but I am not a very good player. But practice makes perfect, right?

That was probably a bit random, sorry.


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It don't matter if it's random ... that's the forum category anyways!!!!

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I just got back home from helping with VBS (Vacation Bible School). At VBS Mitch and I are in charge of doing the skits. I play one human role durring one of the two different series of skits and in the other I am controling a puppet, I am Caimie the Chamilion.

Its very fun doing the skits. It was also very cute when this one kid saw me walk off stage with the puppet and behind me I ear him start yelling, "Caimie! No, Caimie, come back! Don't go!"

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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... AWWW, isn't that cute? ... the little kid liked your skill so much, that he didn't want you to go away.

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It was a kid that was like 2 or something, I'm not sure he realized it was a puppet. Still though, it made me feel good to know that what I did was appriciated.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.
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