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Post Info TOPIC: Pain Tears a Heart [Open to those who applied]

Flame Wolf

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Pain Tears a Heart [Open to those who applied]

A gray and brown wolf slipped through the trees, quickly. A sad howl split the sky, in search of a friend. His name was Runner. He was a fast wolf, slender too. He was around 4 years old now, yet his past still haunted him. His mother... he never new her. His father would never tell. Until that one day when Slaton, his father, was dying. Runner's siblings had died and he would soon be the only one left. "Your mother was the most important person to me in the world. Her name was Star. I had taken her for granted. That day, when I saw her and she spoke to me, cursing me for leaving you three alone, I clawed her.

I clawed her until no more breath came out of her. Then you guys could see. I could not bring myself to tell you of how I killed her. Then your siblings died and I knew it was my time... to join your mother, your sister, and your brother. Please, Runner, stay here and keep our family alive. Do not die out..." he had said before he slipped into death. Years had passed and there was Runner. Alone all the while. He raced along the trees, calling for a friend that could support him, or atleast an enemy to hate. He was a neutral wolf. He did not go for the 'Treat others the way you want to be treated,' quote. He mad eup his own: 'Treat others the way they treat you.' Meaning that if someone loved him, he would love back. If someone hated him, he would hate back. It was his way of life.

-- Edited by Tibby at 00:40, 2006-05-20

-- Edited by Tibby at 03:36, 2006-05-20

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As Dinkrut slowly made his way through the forest, he thought lovingly of his family. Where did they all go? Do they even miss me? he thought.

All of a sudden, Dinkrut stopped in his tracks, and looked from side to side. Could that be? Yes! It was! Throwing his head back, he uttered a howl to answer the one that he had just heard. Bounding forwards with a new-found source of energy, he tried to pinpoint the location of the other wolf.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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Runner's ears perked as he listened to the excited howl that shifted through the air. Finally! After 3 long years, the male had finally heard another wolf howl. Once he made sure that the howl was a reply to his, he bounded off. Soon, he was face to face with a blue-eyed male. He was quite young by the looks of him... Probably around half a year.

Runner made the first move and began scenting him out. The wolf seemed like he had not been around any wolves for a long time either. Finally, Runner looked up and examined the tawny-white coat before him. Then he began, "Hello, young one. What brings you out here?" he asked, kindly nudging the male with his snout.

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Cautiously, Dinkrut replied. "Well, I heard a wolf howl, and I replied and followed. Were you that wolf?" Waiting for a reply, he sat on his haunches

-- Edited by Psycho Wolf at 08:47, 2006-06-30

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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Posts: 70

"I was," the male replied, smiling. "I haven't seen a wolf for years. And I thought many years alone would come. My name is Runner. I would be glad if you decided to accompany me on my journeys. Would you?" he asked, hopefully. He glanced up at a swaying branch nearby. Then he saw the sky. It was getting dark out but it wasn't close to night time. The clouds were covering the sun and a small drizzle began to fall. Runner twitched as a rain drop came on his nose. Rain... Such a wonderful thing... Then he heard the thunder crackle in the distance, following it was a flash of light. Except when it's a storm. He focused on the male before him. He shouldn't be out here all alone. Maybe he has family. But that's pretty much impossible. I smell no wolf on him. Runner pushed his thoughts away. He loved the rain. The slow and steady drizzle on his coat. Then he thought of his family. Nothing could ever be the same again. He always knew the rain was saying,

I tried to kill the pain,

But only brought more,

I lay dying,

and I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayl...

It was a sad song indeed but he couldn't help thinking that it fit in with his life. He sighed and thought over the golden words in his head. He had always tried to forget the pain; cease it. But every day only came more. And thought his father wished him to stay alive for his full life time, he felt like he was dying, bleeding. Just like the song.

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Shivering slightly from the rain, Dinkrut answered "Yes, I'd like to accompany you. Um, I really don't want to sound like a young pup, but could we go somewhere where there is shelter? I'm getting cold, and I'm not exactly used to the temperatures around here." Hoping that Runner would say yes, Dinkrut shook out his coat, and water flew everywhere.

-- Edited by Psycho Wolf at 08:55, 2006-06-30

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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Not before long, Runner had seaked out a large den. A river ran outside of it and lush evergreens hid the opening. Once inside, Runner sat down and spoke, "So, what's your name anyways?" he asked, smiling. The place was nice and warm when compared to the outside. Runner thought about maybe creating a pack. He could be the alpha male. It might be interesting to run a pack... he thought, silently.

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"My name? It is Dinkrut." Hoping that the other would permit him to stay with him for a long time, Dinkrut lay down, and placed his head on his paws.

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She had been running for hours nonstop trying to escape the bear that was chasing her. She had accidentaily stumbled aross one one of the bear's dead cubs so the bear had run after her to get revenge for the slaughtering of her young. She looked back over her sholder and saw that the bear was still in hot persute. She wondered if she would ever get away but then just ahead she saw tha she was comming upon the end of the cliff she was on, but there was another one just barely jutting out far enough for her to reach if she jumped far enough.

"Its better than having to keep running from this bear," she thought as she reached the edge and pushed off with all her might. At first it seemed as if she wasn't but she did barely. The bear could go no farther. It stopped at the edge and roared at her, but she paied no heed for she knew it could not reach her now. Putting the bear out of her mind she started padding through the forest. Soon it began to rain and thunder and lightning. "I have to find some place to stay and ride this storm out," she said to herself. As she padded on at a quickened pace she came upon a large den near a river, but the entrance was barely visible through the thick cluster of evergreens. "This place is better than nothing," she thought to herself as she entered the den and shook off the water that was dripping off of her fur.

As she looked around she realized that she wasn't the only one in the cav there were two males there as well. The younger one was laying down and the older one towards the back of the den. She had just turned around to head back out since the place was already occupied when she heard someone speak.

"Wait, don't go."

She turned back around to see who had adressed her.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Posts: 70

It was the older wolf. He passed the sleeping male and trotted up to the female, a warm smile splitting his maw. "You mustn't leave. Do you already belong to another pack?" he asked, hoping she'd stay with them. "My name is Runner. And this one here is Dinkrut," he informed, gestering towards the sleeping male. "We sort of have a pack going... The bad thing is, there's only two of us. Would be so kind as to join us, M'Lady?" His eyes were kind and his soft voice ment no danger. He would not a harm a wolf unless it came down to it. Rarely a femme.

-- Edited by Tibby at 14:01, 2006-05-22

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"No, I don't belong to a pack or at least I don't think I do." she said looking at Runner.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, see I don't remember anything at all about my past. See, some time ago I awoke at the base of a cliff with a splitting headache and rocks all around me. Best I can figure is that I was up at the top of the cliff, fell, and lost my memory because of head trauma. I don't even remember my name," she said with downcast eyes of sadness, "but," she continued, "I would be happy to join your pack."

"Good, but you will need a name."

" can call me Milta, I guess." she said quickly coming up with a name for herself. "So, is this where the pack is going to stay or is this spot just temporary?" Milta asked as she looked around at the interior of the den.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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"Lovely name," Runner replied. Then she asked about the den. "Maybe for the season it will be a permanent den. For the winter, we might want to move south of the mountains." He glanced at Dinkrut and sat down, gestering that the female do so as well.

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Tilting her head Milta wondered what the purpose of it was but did as she was signaled to do. After a few moments of silence she decided to break it.

"So, what are the positions of the pack?" she asked. "I'm afraid I don't know them because of my lost memory. Also do you have anything to eat? I'm starving, because I've been running for the past few hours nonstop trying to get away from a bear that started chasing me after I stumbled across one of its dead cubs."

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Posts: 70

The brute nodded and stood up. "I'll go catch something. Be right back," he said, hoping that she'd stay with Dinkrut. He ran out the den and immediatly caught a scent. There's deffinatly a bear around somewhere, he thought, shaking his head. He headed on, away from the bear. A flash of white zoomed infront of him. He sped up on it and pounced on it right before it plopped into it's hole. It was a rabbit. He headed back with it in his jaws. "'Ello," he greeted as he entered. He dropped the kill infront of her and returned outside where he got two squirrels. He place done next to Dinkrut and ate his. "We haven't yet figured out the rankings. Dinrut, over here, is a Warrior Fang. I suppose I'm the Alpha Fang. What rank would you prefer?" he asked, kindly.

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Milta sat there and pondered over the question. She tried to recall what ment what and who was this and who was that. She thought so much about it that it made her head start to hurt. Then finally she tapped into one of her lost memories and she started to remember what each ranking ment. She then fumbled in her mind for the right words.

"Well, first I thank you for the food it was very delicious, I like rabbit. Reguarding the rank though......Uhhhhhh........I don't know know. It doesn't matter to me just whatever rank you think I should have, I suppose." Milta said looking at Runner full face for the first time.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

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Waking to the smell of dead rabbit, and the sound of wolves talking, Dinkrut struggled to sit up, as he was still drowsy with sleep. Finally sitting upright, he saw that Runner was talking with another wolf. A female, to be exact!

"Runner, if you don't mind me asking, who is that?" Dinkrut asked, looking questioningly at Runner. Sniffing curiosly at the rabbit that was dropped near him, he asked Runner with his eyes whether the rabbit was for him.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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In return, Runner nodded his head and smiled. "This here is Milta," he answered, nodding. He looekd over to the female and said, "No problem. It's easy to find catch here." Then he continued, "Dinkrut, you may be the Warrior Fang. Milta, you may be my trusty Beta Femme. Sound good?" He stood up, raised his head and tail, and looked at them to see their reactions.

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"Sounds good to me even though, I still don't quite remember what that means." Milta said happy that they were going to let her stay.

"Thats fine with me." Dinkrut said. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Milta."

After that there was an akward silence. Milta began to think again trying to delve into her past again and see if she could remember anything. She was on the verge of remembering something, or so she though, when she heard Runner begin to speak again.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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"Well, Milta, an Alpha is the leader of the pack. That leaves the Beta as a secondary leader. And the ranks go so on," he informed, turning then to both of them. "Milta, you may rest if you would like. Dinkrut, go ahead and eat and we can catch some food." When the Warrior had finiashed his meal, they headed out. They followed a scent of musk oxen. Silently, they crept forward. Then they jumped at a weak female. They nipped at her and howled, happily. Runner jumped at it's neck as Dinkrut nipped it's heels.

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Nipping happily at the female musk oxen's heels, Dinkrut felt the joy of once again hunting with another wolf.

Waiting for Runner to complete the killing of the creature, Dinkrut held the oxen down, as he knew full well that these beasts hurt when they got angry.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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Posts: 70

Finally Runner jolted himelf upright and got a firm hold on the best's neck. Finally, it went limp. Then the two dragged the carcass back to the den and woke up Milta. "Milta," said Runner, nudging her. "Wake up. We have more food."

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Yawning, Milta looked at her companions. "Oh, good. Thanks guys." she said turning her attention towards the carcas. She started to go towards it but thought better of it. Milta sat back down on her haunches and looked back at Runner.

"I think you should have first dibbs on the food since you are the alpha and all."

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Runner nodded and smiled. Then he gestured Milta to eat before Dinkrut and him. "Go ahead, Milta. Femmes first," he said, smiling.

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"Ok, if you say so." Milta said as she slowly crept forward to take a small chunk of meat from the carcass. As she ate she suddenly had a flashback.

"Seriously, I don't know what you talking about Mil."

"*sigh* Ragon, honestly, did you think that I wouldn't realize that you had fallen asleep while you were supposed to be watching our pups in the field."

"No, Snirgut was supposed to be watching them." Ragon said looking back at his mate.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Milta, I'm positive."

"I'll get that lazy good for nothing for letting that cougar kill our pups!" she said as she raced towards the mountains where she knew Snirgut would be. As she ran she heard a noise above her. She looked up and to her horror she saw Snirgut push a big bolder down. It hit many other lose boulders.


She tried to out run it but was too late; she began to feel herself fall; a sharp painful impact on her head.

Total darkness.

"Milta.....Milta........Milta!" Runner yelled calling her back to reality.

"Hmmmmm.....what?" Milta said as she shook her head to clear it, taking in all of what she had just envisioned.

"Thank God. Are you alright?"

"I....I don't know." she said looking up at her friends. "I just saw something happen right before my eyes." she said as she began to stare off into space. "I have been....part of my past."

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 20:26, 2006-05-29

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

Status: Offline
Posts: 70

Runner nudged her to her paws, concern filling his eyes. "As long as you are okay now. Would you like to share? Or not? It's okay. You don't have to," his eyes filled now with sorrow as he thought of his own past. Nothing would ever be the same. He was the only pup alive from his litter. His mother died when he was born because of his father, and his father killed himseld=f because of the incident which he regreted. It was two late to go back.

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As Dinkrut watched the relay in conversation, he thought about his own history. I still can't believe that I got lost in that huge forest. I mean ... I was playing a game of hide-and-seek for gods sake!

Growling low in his throat at the thoat at the memory of that awful day, he stopped short when he realised that Runner and Milta were looking at him. "I'm sorry you guys ... I was thinking a little about my past."

Hoping that he could go unnoticed, he went towards a tree and, laying down, he placed his head on his paws and closed his eyes. He knew that he wouldn't fall asleep, but at the moment he just wanted to think.

-- Edited by psycho_wolf at 04:07, 2006-06-01

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As Milta looked into Runner's eyes, she could tell that he was truly worried and concerned about his new friend.

"Ok." she said taking a deep breath. "The vision started out near a mountain....."she said as she began to tell the whole vision to Runner. As she finished she noticed that he was apparently in deep thought over something. "Runner, do you think it was part of my past or just some freaky daydreamish nightmare?"

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Runner's eyes were thoughtful now as he concentrated on her story, and her question. "Was it familiar to you, Milta? Is that why you think you lost most of your memory?" he inquired, curiously. Then his thoughts got tangled in his past even if he tried to push it away. "When I was just born, my father killed my mother. And I didn't find out until a while later when all of my siblings had died and my father was dying. Before his last breath, he told me that... He told me that he had done the cruel deed. He said, 'Your mother was the most important person to me in the world. Her name was Star.

I had taken her for granted. That day, when I saw her and she spoke to me, cursing me for leaving you three alone, I clawed her. I clawed her until no more breath came out of her. Then you guys could see. I could not bring myself to tell you of how I killed her. Then your siblings died and I knew it was my time... to join your mother, your sister, and your brother. Please, Runner, stay here and keep our family alive. Do not die out.' And then," Runner proceeded, "he died." He shook his head as he vision his mother's beautiful shape and features in his mind. But how could he know what she was like. Just like he said, his mother died before he could see. And no one ever described her to him. It was always up to him to make out what she looked like. But it never seemed real. It was a blurry vision. One that didn't seem true or real. But what mattered was that he had her in his mind, right? That she was also there with him in his heart. But how could that be true? he asked himself. I don't really know her, I've never seen her, and I've never smelled her. Only felt her. But that was too long ago. My memories of her soft fur and warm milk have vanished. I really don't know my own mother. And how is a single brute like me going to keep our familty alive... when there's only me? My father died leaving everything up to me as a pup. How? He was so caught up in his thoughts that he barely heard Milta's answer to his first question.

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As Milta answered Runner's question she could tell that he was lost in his own thoughts but all she knew was that she was getting something off her chest and that it felt good to talk to Runner about it, even if he barely heard her because of his own thoughts.

"I'm not sure, but I do think that I lost my memory because I fell off a cliff, there's no doubt in my mind that that is what happened for the first thing I remember is waking up at the base of a cliff with rocks all around me and my head hurting and a little blood here and there too, but as far as the rest of it goes.....I'm not sure........*sigh* Oh well, doesn't matter any more right? I mean, I have you and Dinkrut what else could I ask for. Your the best "family" I've ever had. Although.......well you get what I'm trying to say, right?" Milta said as she looked to Runner for a response.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Runner nodded. After an awkward silence, the alpha told Milta of his past and all of his thoughts that he needed to spill. He turned away when he was finished to wipe away a slow tear. Then he noticed that Dinkrut was not in the cave.

"Dinkrut! Where is he? Did you see him leave?" he asked Milta. He remembered a while ago when Dinkrut was growling in his sleep. The male said that it was his past. But Runner didn't think it meant anything and he deffinatly didn't think that he would leave.

The alpha fang emerged from the den with Milta by his side. "Dinkrut!" he called, loudly. After howling all they could, the two walked toward Dinkrut's scent. Finally they found him by a tree. His eyes were closed but he was not asleep.

Cautiously, Runner lowered his head to Dinkrut's ear and whispered, "What's wrong? We are your pack... Tell us. Milta and I now know each other's past. I could tell you mine too and Milta could share hers with you. Trust us, it feels a lot better to let things out than keeping them inside. Don't worry."

Runner continued, "There is nothing you can say to get you out of this pack... this family." He grinned at his pack member. They were now family. Apparently, they all had things in common. They were closer than just a pack.

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Slowly opening his eyes and lifting his head, he saw Milta and Runner watching him with concern. Registering what Runner had just said, he stood up, shook his coat out, and sat on his haunches.

"OK ... I'll tell you my history then." He said. As he told them his story, he began to re-visit the horrible day once more.

[Italics peoples ... he's showing you what happened!]

"OK ... Dinkrut, do you know how to play hide-and-seek?" his sister asked.

Looking at her, he answered back quickly "Yes. I watched when you last played it sis. Do you not remember?"

"Of course I remember, silly. I just wanted to know if you caught on to how we play the game." she said. Continueing, she asked "Do you want to play?"

"Yes, yes please!"

Bounding in the general direction of the forest, he heard his sister call out "OK then ... go and find somewhere to hide, and I'll come and find you soon!"

Racing to find a place to hide, he didn't take note of which direction he was going in. After about 5 minutes of running deeper into the forest, he turned around and ... he realised that he was lost. Oh no! he thought I'm lost!!!!

Spinning around, he tried to find his way back. But, nonetheless ... he couldn't find his way.

Throwing his head back, he uttered a mournful little howl, but, being as small as he was, he could not howl loud enough for others to hear. Looking around, he found a small log, and, crawling inside, he fell asleep.


"... and, since then, I've been all alone. Well ... I was all alone. Not anymore though" he said, finishing his story.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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Runner smiled at the small group. Now thay all knew what each of them went through when they were young, giving them better reasons to trust each other. "Our pasts are nothing to be ashamed of, especially now that we have explained ourselves. Yet, you have not heard our pasts, Dinkrut," he told the Warrior Fang. He let Milta tell of her past as she had told himself, and then explained why he was alone, as he had to her.

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"I'm sorry to hear such sad pasts ... and to think that I thought my past was bad! Ah, well. I know better now" Dinkrut said, looking at his Pack mates.

-- Edited by Psycho Wolf at 08:56, 2006-06-30

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Flame Wolf

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Runner smiled, shaking the memories away. "Well, shall we get back, my friends?" he asked, nuzzling them each on the shoulder.

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"Yeah. Maybe we should go inside the cave and rest for awhile..." Dinkrut said.

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As Milta walked back to the den with her new friends she thought over what all had happened that day, she had gotten chased by a bear and barely escaped, and then found a pack to join and had become friends with the two other pack members, and finally what she had just heard about her friends lives.

"Wow, I never knew that others went though things that were similar to what we assume to be what happened to me." Milta thought to herself as she walked beside her friends back to the den. After a while she began to fall behind, a scent had caught her nose. She stopped dead in her tracks and began to smell the air, focusing more on the was the bear, the bear was had found some way to cross the gap that she had jumped across to what she had thought to be safety.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Runner soon caught the scent and he growled, letting the others know that he had. After a while of thinking and brining back distant memories, he deciphered the scent to be a bear, and he growled deeper, remembering the bear's attack on Milta. Belly to the ground, Runner began to crawl in the to the left side of the cave. The bear was on the far side of the cave, where the blue berry bushes stood and from where he was, Runner could see him perfectly without the  bear seeing him. He flicked his tail, signaling for the rest to follow suit. "We can take him down together," he whispered, quietly back to them. After all, they couldn't have a bear wandering around their home.

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"That's very true, we can't. Only one thing bothers are we supposed to kill it?" she asked in a wisper, looking to the alpha.

As she listened to his explination she was amazed at how much he knew, she knew that the three of them would be just fine as long as they followed Runner's directions.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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"If we come up from around those bushes, his back will be facing us. Milta, run out there and distract him so he deffinatly does not know we're here. Dinkrut, follow me and we can atttack him fron the back. I'll get his throat. You get onto his back and make sure he stays down. Everyone got it?" his plans would work and he knew it. It was three against one. Once Dinkrut and Runner were on the other side of the bear, they waited until Milta was distracting him before preparing to attack. "Remember," he reminded Dinkrut. "Get on to his back and keep him down so I can get at his throat and kill him." Then Runner jumped in and grasped the beast neck. The bear was so surprised that he swapped his claws all over and Runner couldn't see if or who he was hitting.

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Milta was tad too slow, she had tried to get the bear's attention off of Runner and Dinkrut but it wasn't working all that well, she had never done this before. She tried her best to distract it but forgot to look at what the bear was doing with its paws, she got hit and it threw her against the wall of the cave, she let out a yelp of pain as she fell to the floor. She strained to raise herself up and after a few tries she managed to succeed. She shook herself off and got back in the fray, this time since she wasn't any good at distracting she decided to bite at the bear's was a big mistake, she got thrown back again and even received a gash in her side, this time when she hit the floor she blacked out.

She was unconscious for quite some time, when she woke up Runner was standing over her, and Dinkrut was lying nearby. She groaned as she recalled why her side hurt, "Runner, what happened? Where's the bear? Did you kill it, or did it run away?"

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 17:39, 2006-06-17

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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"It ran away after Dinkrut jumped on it. We could've killed it but we stopped trying when we saw you get hurt.... Are you okay, Milta?" he asked, nudging her to her paws. "C'mon, Dinkrut," he said, as he guided Milta back to the cave. "I'll get something for your wounds," he said, quickly as he glanced at the gashes on her shoulder. Then he ran out of the cave and retrieved a rock. The rock was rounded to look like a bowl-like shape. He then gathered some berries and chewed them until a thck paste was put firmly into the rock-bowl. He dragged the paste backk to the cave and set it by the injured femme. "It may hurt, but the pain will only mean that it's healing already." With that, he placed the berry paste onto her wounds and placed a large leaf over it so that the paste would not ware off. "There you go. If you need anything, tell us and we'll get it right away."

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"I'm fine now that you and Dinkrut are here and safe, I thought that you all would be killed if I stayed down, that's why I got back up." Milta said, as Runner guided her back to the cave.

When they reached the cave she lay down and Runner treated her wound with some sort of berry paste and a leaf for a patch. It did feel some better, at least it took the soreness out and it didn't itch. Then an eerie silence fell upon them.

"Runner," Milta began as she broke the silence, "I'm sorry I've been nothing but trouble for you ever since you got here. If I hadn't come then the bear would not have come here either. I'm sorry; I'm not a very good beta femme."

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Posts: 70

When done pathcing all of her wounds up, Runner listened to what she had to say, glad that the silence had been broken. He silently nodded his head but did not agree. "Don't beat yourself up about it. Even if you hadn't came here, the bear would have caught our scent anyways. And I shouldn't have made you go out and try to distract that bear. It was rude of me. I'm the one that should be sorry. I really messed up. It's my fault your hurt, Milta," he replied sadly but honestly.

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"It's alright, you did what you thought was best at the time, Runner." Milta said giving a weak smile to her new friend, trying to cheere him up. After this there was silence again. Aparently Runner was thinking about something and Dinkrut was just being quiet for some reasion.

After awhile Runner spoke again with a reply.

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

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Posts: 70

"Well . . . Thank you. Milta? Why don't I do something to make it up to you? For a whole week you are the female alpha of the pack, and Dinkrut will be your beta. I will be the warrior Fang. Just for a week, though. How would you like that?" He spoke with a thoughtful voice. He would like to have the experience of being led by somone. He never had felt it.

"Then you would be in charge, Milta, and Dinkrut would assist you. Good idea . . . Or not?" Then a silence flooded over them and Runner had the feeling that they were going to reject the offer.

He decided to back it up. "I have been a really horrid alpha lately. Admit it. I don't know what's gotten in to me. I knew that we couldn't have taken that bear one, and yet a sent my members out to try to kill it. I risked all of our lives in doing so."

"So for a week everything will be under your guys' charge. Everything. I won't even try to step in. Is that okay? Please, you guys. I really would feel better after what I did to you . . ." Then he fell silent, ready to feel the rejecting voices pin him down.

His guilt was of plenty, and if they did not take the offer, the guilt would always be laid on him.

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Seeing that he would be hurt if she didn't accept the offer, Milta decided to accept it."Well......I don't really know how to lead but I will try...." she replied in a hushed voice, she was kind of tired still.

As she thought about what responsibility had been placed on her plate she wondered if she would be able to lead properly....

"Hey, Runner," Milta spoke up again, "I don't think that you have been a bad leader, it's just that you aren't used to it and......well, confidentially.....I think I probably would have made the same decision regarding the bear, so you are a perfectly capable leader in my opinion."

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

Status: Offline
Posts: 70

Runner nodded his head in appreciation. "Thank you, Milta. You're a good Beta-- Er... Alpha Femme,"  he said, cheering up a bit. "And Dinkrut, if it wasn't for you, we both would have gotten hurt too. Thanks." The he rolled back to his haunches and said, "What are your orders, my alpha?" he asked, surprising himself.

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" you think you could help me to the stream to get a drink?" she asked, not sure what else to say.

As she waited to hear his reaction to this, she began to wonder why exactly he had chosen her to be the alpha for a week......."Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter, just as long as I can keep my cool for a whole week everything will be fine," she answered herself in her head, or at least she hoped everything would be fine.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 22:52, 2006-06-18

There is a fight between two wolves going on inside everyone. One stands for all good things and the other, all that is evil. Which one will win? The one that you feed.

Flame Wolf

Status: Offline
Posts: 70

"No problem," Runner replied. "Just lean against me for support." Once she had struggled over to his side, he helped her out of the cave. With the extra weight he was not very sturdy but he knew it was better than having to help a heavy wolf. He led her down to the stream where she lapped up some water. Runner drank a little too before turning to Milta.

"You know, your wounds are already looking better with the paste."

"Yah. I bet I could even get along without them now," she replied.

"Well, maybe you should just take a dip in the stream. It will help coll you and will clean your wound. I'll help you if you like."

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"Hey, Milta. Would you like me to go and find some meat for us?" Dinkrut asked. Looking at Milta and Runner, Dinkrut suddenly realised that while he may have secretly wanted to rejoin a pack, he had only just realised that that was what he wanted.

Grinning at his friends, he waited for Milta to reply.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!
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