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The Scarred Valley
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Returning from a prolonged and successful hunt, Silverpelt longed to see the look on Argeon's face when he spotted the chunck of sheep meat she was carrying. Prey was scarce in the valley right now because of a long drought that kept the air dry and thin. Besides, the two-legs would'nt even notice that one of their sheep were missing, she was sure of it.

Argeon was Silver's mate, not to mention her best friend. They had been friends ever scince they were pups, they had a strange attraction to one another, and when they were pups, if they werent asleep, they were with one another going on "adventures", and getting into trouble.

The thought of Argeon put a new strength in her step, and added length to her stride. Home was not far away. When she got there, she would run straight to him, no stopping, not to greet anyone.

She could never guess what was going to take place, a twist of events that would corrupt her life as she knew it.

As Silver continued along the path, reaching the top of a small incline in the land, she felt an eerie feeling, as though all was not well. The wind carried an odd scent, one she had never smelled before. This was new, she had never felt this way before. Yet every instinct within her was screaming to turn and run, just to get away from the smell. Laying down the meat, she forced herslef to go onward, every muscle in her body tense, ready to spring away at an instant. With the scent came a sound, a dull but loud roaring, like thunder, but constant.


As she looked down into the valey that had formerly been her home, it was all alight with fire. Silverpelt knew that fire caused destruction and death, but she had never accually seen it. She had heard tales from the elders of her pack about fire, it destroyed everything in its path, but it could not cross water, rivers. She had to find a river, or a stream, and quick. She could shelter there for the night, out in the open if need be. Silver sped back the way she had came, not stopping until she reached a river. She jumped in, and struggling against the current, reached the other side. She lay there, panting, and as she lay there a silent dread crept over her, and seized her.

Argeon may not have made it.

The thought of her mate, her best friend, not living a full and happy life, but perishing in the midst of flames was just too much to bear. No! It could not be true. Silver couldn't be sure, she would have to wait until the fire dies at the oppisite bank, and then go search for him. Surely he would be there, ready to comfort her.

Laying there, on that cold, hard riverbank in that creul, harsh world, Silverpelt waited, a troubled impaitient wait, she waited for the fire to die to find if her love was still living.

As she gazed into the starless night sky, fatigue crept up on her, and she fell into a deep troubled slumber.


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As Raknop rushed through the forest, running to a clearing in the forest that he knew was home to a Pack of wolves, to save anybody, he was trying desperately to battle the growing urge to run and flee from the fire. Although, he knew, deep down inside, that most of that Pack would not make it.
As he drew closer to the fire, he could see shadows in the flames. With horror, he realised that they were wolf-shaped shadows!
Running straight into the area where he saw the first shadow, he grabbed the wolf by the scruff of the neck, and hauled them to the safety of the river-side.  
With his pelt itching from the heat, and nostrils flaring because of the smell, he threw himself back into the fire, knowing that he should be able to save at least a few more. When, at last, he had saved all that he thought he could, he retreated to the river-side. 
Standing guard over the 5 wolves that he had saved, he surveyed the area. What had once been a beautiful, lush, green forest, was now a black, barren patch of nothing. Breathing deeply through his muzzle, he grimaced at the smell.
What happened? How did the fire start? he thought. I'll bet anything it was those stupid two-leggers. Why do they harm us? All we do is what is in our nature, to kill to survive. And it's not as if we kill them! No, we harm their animals, and they burn our home. Moving to the centre of the small group of wolves, he looked carefully at each one. After assocciating himself with the features of them all, he lay down to rest.    
~~~~~~~~~~ NEXT DAY ~~~~~~~~~~    
Waking up suddenly, he realised that, although he had saved 5 wolves, how many had not made it throught the night?
Struggling to his paws, with his muscles twitching and protesting that they were not up to today after yesterday's little antics, he quickly viewed each of the 4 wolves.
None! None of them had survived through the night. That was before he realised that 1 of the wolves was missing.
Where did they go? Why did they leave? he thought. After paying his respects to the 4 wolves that now layed on the river-side, never to rise again, he left, in search of the missing wolf.

-- Edited by psycho_wolf at 01:54, 2006-05-09

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Silverpelt woke at dawn, expecting to be in the pack's den, right beside Argeon, with the first of the pack just waking. Instead, she was looking down at a gravel river bank, with the soft trickling of a river echoing in her ears. It took her a moment to remember what had happened that night, and she shuddered. It couldn't be true. The idea of Argeon diying just wasn't possible, but then again, there was that small spark of hope, of life, and when there is a spark, there might be a flame in the future.

Silver dragged herself to her feet, and took note of her surroundings. Across the river the fire had stopped, right at the bank. As tired as she was, she forced herself to swim across the river. Because of her weakness, the going was rough, but she somehow managed to swim across.

At the other side, she made her way back to the incline to look into the valley. Pangs of fear and sorrow pulled at her heart, but she pushed the feelings away. The fire had tore all living things from the surface of the earth, leaving a deep depresing scar-like mark.

Something had to have survived, Silver thought. But as she gazed at the scarred valley, it did not seem likely. But maybe...

Silverpelt threw back her head and sounded a long drawn-out howl that could be heard for miles around. Maybe if Someone heard her... They would reply... and maybe Argeon would hear... or another wolf... just maybe...


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As Raknop was padding through the forest, he heard a loud, and very mournful howl. Oh my god! Such a sad howl!!! he thought.
Throwing his head back, and uttering his own howl to the sky, he whirled around and began to run towards the direction of where he thought the howl was coming from.
He knew that if he delayed, he would never be able to find the wolf that had given the howl to the sky.

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The last of Silverpelt's anguished cry trailed off into the Scarred Valley. She paused, trying to decifer any different howls from the echo her's brought forth. But...


The reply was one she had never heard before, definitely one from a different wolf... not Argeon, she realized with a sigh of despair. Whoever this strange wolf was, though, he or she may be able to help her in her search for her lost love.

Silver pinpointed the direction that the new howl came from and set out to find this new wolf. She tried to push all fear from her mind, for she didn't really trust any wolves that she didn't know.

On her way through the burnt and disfigured forest, she realized with a jump that it may have been her fault that the fire started in the first place... When she had killed the sheep on her hunting trip, a little two legged pup saw her dragging her kill into the forest, she remembered seeing it's horrified face as it watched her every move. She watched the pup as it turned and ran down to the two leg settlement, howling that confusing two leg talk. She had thought nothing about it at the moment, but that pup must have told the other two legs, and all wolves knew that two legs held all power over fire. In their rage, they must have set the forest on fire knowing that that was were the wolves lived. This awful drought just made it easier for them...

It's my fault, I just know it. Why else would they have done something so random and creul? It's my fault that Argeon may be dead... he and the rest of my pack.

She realised that she, being deep in sad thought, had gone into a small clearing. Silverpelt looked up with a tear-stained face and saw another wolf. He was not Argeon. In her agony-crazed state of mind, she asked the stranger bluntly,

"Have you seen Argeon? I think he is dead."


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Raknop skidded to a halt. It was a she-wolf!
"Have you seen Argeon? I think he is dead." She asked
Raknop replied "Argeon? Argeon is ... " He stopped short, realising how stupid he had just made himself look. Looking onto the others face, he realised that she had been crying.
Showing concern on his face, he asked her gently "Why have you been crying?"

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In her crazed state, Silverpelt did not know how to answer.

"Well, I was hunting, then the sheep, and the fire," she paused for a moment, with a growing expresion of hate on her face."Twolegs. They did this. This fire! But it was my fault... and now I think that he is dead, oh how will I ever live without him! Its all my fault. I wont be able to live with myself! If I never find him I think I will die..."

She paused again, noticing the confused look on the other wolf's face. Shaking her head, Silver focused on telling the story.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so devestated..."

She began telling this new wolf about the child who had seen her, then about coming back to find her old home burned, with no sign of her pack, or Argeon.

" Have you seen him? Oh please say that you have seen him! He is my mate. He is black with a white tail-tip, and he is the sweetest wolf I think I have ever met, and if I never find him..."

Silverpelt broke down, the agony clutching at her heart to great to bear.


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As Raknop shook his head slowly, he told the she-wolf "I'm not sure. I saved 5 wolves from the fire, woke up the next morning, and there were only 4 wolves. Maybe the wolf that lived is your Argeon? Do you want to go and see?"
As he waited for her reply, he contemplated what would happen if one of the 4 dead wolves was this Argeon. She will be terribly distraught he thought to himself, will I be able to comfort her?

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This wolf had saved five wolves... this was probably part of her pack! Silverpelt looked up at the wolf and asked him what his name was. He replied that it was Raknop.

"Yes, I would very much like to go see" Silver replied, knowing that seeing her dead pack members would be painful, but not as painful as Argeon being one of them. Besides, what if the missing wolf was Argeon? She refused herself to think of the possibility that Argeon might not have made it out of the fire. But there was hope.

"Well then, follow me." Raknop replied.


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Leading the way for the she-wolf, Raknop realised that although he had not memorised the way back to the area where he had left the wolves, he knew the way perfectly. All of a sudden, he halted  in his tracks, and, sniffiing at the air, he whirled around and scampered back towards a large bush.

"What?" Silver asked, following him quickly.

"Shhh ... listen" he replied.

Peering around the side of the bush, he saw another wolf. Could it be ...? No! It couldn't be the wolf that had run away!

Asking Silver to take a look, he drew back from the area of which he could see. Waiting for Silver to make some type of response, he thought back to the time when he had had a quick glance at all of the wolves that he had saved. This wolf certainatly looked like one of those wolves, but how could he know if that was the wolf that had run away?

Dropping to his haunches, he asked Silver "Is it the wolf?"

-- Edited by psycho_wolf at 11:12, 2006-05-14

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Meanwhile, not far from Silverpelt, Raknop, and the new wolf, there was a strange stirring inside the mouth of a cave behind a towering waterfall. Inside was Argeon, injured and practically helpless to fend for himself.

He and another wolf from his pack, Tremace, had been out hunting (also, Argeon tried to hunt in the direction that Silverpelt, his love, had traveled to hunt earlier this week, to try to meet her if she were to return soon). They had managed to escape the sudden roaring fire by plunging into the cave behind the waterfall. Realizing that they had left the rest of their pack to die in the midst of fire, Argeon ran back out in a vain attempt to search for his clan members. During the search, he aquired a painful burn on his left hind leg and his tail. Tremace noticed the weakness and sprung on him, breaking his front left leg and leaving him immobile. Of course Argeon retaliated as best as he could, and tore a painful wound in Tremace's shoulder, but then Tremace ran away after the fire died, leaving Argeon for dead.

Argeon knew exactly why Tremace did this. He has had a burning passion for Silverpelt, and no doubt he was off to find her, and tell her some heroic false story of Argeon's death, and how he tried to save him.

Of course, Argeon could not go find her. More than likely he was going to die here, and he knew it.

He thought deeply, I cannot let Tremace get away with this! I have to get help... I cant stand loosing Silver... she the love of my life and I cannot let her go. He paused for a moment. Why is Tremace doing this? He knows he could never get Silver to love him, let alone be his mate.

I have to get help and get out of here.


Back in the clearing...

It took a moment for Silver to realise that the wolf that she was looking at was not Argeon, but Tremace, another wolf from her pack.

She realized with horror... was he the only surviving wolf? Surley not... Argeon could not have died.

"Tremace!" She ran to the wolf. "Where is Argeon? He's not..." Her voice trailed, refusing to say aloud what her heart did not believe.

"Dead? Silverpelt, I have some news for you, and I dont think that you will take it lightly." Tremace began; "Well... after the fire I found Argeon laying half-dead. He said his last words to me. He told me to take care of you, to love you. Of course I told him I would. I always have liked you..."

"No... no... no..." It seemed this was all that Silver could say. Then she said, "No. It is simply not true. He is alive. I know it! Tremace! You and Raknop can help me look for him, If I cant find him I will simply die. No, I will not think of such thoughts. He is alive, and we will find him toghether, all three of us."

"Raknop?!?" Tremace replied, "Ok, who is this Raknop? Do I need to get rid of him?"

"No Tremace! He is friendly, though I dont even know much about him." Letting out an anguished sigh, Silverpelt continued, "Oh Argeon, death comes as quick and as easy as life! What now is the purpose of living?"

Silverpelt turned and silently made her way back to the bush. Raknop would not have trouble with Tremace, for he is a coward.

The bush was close enough that Raknop heard Tremace and Silverpelt's conversation. Turning towards the bush Silver told Raknop that it was ok to come out of the bush.

-- Edited by Scarlet Whitetail at 02:01, 2006-05-16


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Hearing Silver's voice, Raknop tentatively come out from behind the bush. His fur bristling at the thought of this wolf named Tremace trying to kill him, he greeted Tremace coldly.

"Why do you say that Argeon is dead? I can see it in your face that you're lying." Speaking now in a more gentler tone, he asked "Why don't you tell us the truth?"


Waiting for either of the others to speak, he glanced over at Silver. She seemed devestated at the news that her love could be lost forever. Her hopes had been raised, and this ... this coward had crushed those hopes in the blink of an eyelid. Although Raknop could tell that the news was false, he knew that Silver would more than likely not. As Tremace began to speak, Raknop listened with his head tilted.

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"Argeon is dead." Tremace tried to look Raknop in the eyes. "Thats all there is to it. Now, we need to get some rest..."

Silver glared at Tremace, "How could you lie about something like this? Argeon is not dead, and I know it. He is probably looking for me right now..."

"Silver, I told you he is dead. I know this is just hard for you to accept..." As much as he tried, Tremace could not look Raknop in the eyes. "Now we are going to need to get some rest..."

"Especially since we are going to look for Argeon tomorrow" Silver interrupted.

"Silver..." Tremace started, "If you look for him, you will find him dead. I am sure of it."

"Tremace, have you gone mad?!? What is your problem? Well, I am going to sleep, because I am going to go looking for Argeon whether you like it or not. What do you think Raknop?"

Raknop was glaring daggers into Tremace. He seemed to feel Raknop's eyes, because he began to cower.

"Whatever you say, I am just keeping my eyes on you, Tremace."

The three wolves settled down for the night, but Raknop kept a strong watch on Tremace. As the sun set, the three wolves fell asleep.



Back in the cave behind the waterfall...

Argeon struggled to get to his feet, but shots of agonizing pain in his broken leg and the burn made him stumble and fall, crashing to the ground. He tried to stand and walk many times, but each time failed, his strength slowly ebbing.

I've got to get help... there's no telling what Tremace will say to Silver, and no doubt it will be something awful. He thought for a moment, laying on the hard cool ground of the cave, with the relentless sound of the waterfall in the background. I have a strange feeling that he will be back... and I am not in any mood to deal with him at the moment.

However hard he tried, Argeon could not fall asleep that night.



Back in the clearing...

Tremace woke, rising with care, careful not to wake Silver or Raknop. The full moon was high in the night sky, framed with stars.

"I'll make sure that Argeon is dead" He muttered under his breath. He silently made his way into the forest. Hearing the rustling of foliage, Raknop woke just in time to see Tremace run off into the night. He silently rose onto his feet, and with a quick glance at Silver to make sure she was sleeping, he slid into the forest after Tremace.

Tremace was traveling along the river without glancing back. He moved at an alarming pace, and it seemed to Raknop that they would be continuing for a long time. When it seemed that they were never going to stop, Tremace stopped in front of a towering waterfall.

The cowardly wolf dissapeared behind the waterfall, and Raknop followed him to see what was inside. There was a different wolf, and he was badly injured. Raknop heard Tremace speak.

"Argeon, its too bad that you wont be able to tell Silver that you love her for the last time. Honestly, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, and I'm going to enjoy every moment of it." Tremace advanced upon Argeon.

"Tremace, you coward, come one step closer and I'll tear you apart!" Sadly, Argeon knew that he could not do such a thing with his injuries.

It was then that he noticed that there was a wolf that he had never seen standing in the entrance to the cave.

Greatly disgusted, Argeon yelled, "Oh great, you brought backup. It seems just like you to bring someone to do the dirty work for you!"

"What are you talking about? You've gone mad. Now I know that I am sparing Silverpelt the misery of dealing with you by getting rid of you."

Tremace stepped forward, bristling, and croutched into attack position.

Argeon knew that his only hope of survival depended on the decision of this newcomer.



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Bounding towards the two wolves, Raknop snarled ferociously. How dare he! he thought How could he do something like that to Silver?!

Standing firmly in front of the wolf that had been addressed as Argeon, Raknop rounded on Tremace, his every word covered with the anger and venom that had filled his life. "How dare you?!" he exploded. "How could you even think of doing something like that to Silver?" Watching as the other wolf cowered down in fright, he could feel the adrenalin that had filled his body.

As Tremace began to stutter a lousy explanation, Raknop began to slowly advance, one step at a time, forcing the other away from Argeon and his injuries. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip your throat out right now, Tremace" Raknop snarled, knowing full well that any excuse that Tremace gave wouldn't be good enough.


Slowly awakening from her sleep, Silver yawned widely. Looking around, she remembered the past days events.

All of a sudden, she jerked her head up, as she remembered that Raknop and Tremace were meant to be here as well. Standing groggily to her feet, she sniffed the ground, and, after a few minutes, caught the unfamiliar scent of Raknop, and the more familiar scent of Tremace. Now wide awake, she followed the trail quickly.

~~~ BACK AT THE CAVE ~~~ [about 5 mins later]

All of a sudden, Raknop heard a twig break. Whipping his head around, he looked towards the entrance of the cave. Giving himself a few seconds to focus, he saw a she-wolf at the entrance. "Silver? Is that you?" he asked.

"Yes Raknop" she answered back softly.

Listening carefully, he could hear the sounds of Argeon struggling to rise at the sound of his beloved's voice. Stepping aside so that Silver would be able to see Argeon, he turned back to Tremace. "Come on ... I'm still waiting for an answer Tremace."

"Raknop ... what happened?" Silver asked.

"This ... this worthless living excuse of a wolf decided that he would try and kill your mate." He answered, bracing himself for Silver reply.

"What?!! Tremace, is this true?" She asked. Raknop could see the sparks of anger that had filled her eyes. As Tremace cowered down, he replied in a muffled voice "Um ... well, you see -" "Is it? Or is it not?" she whispered, her voice low and filled with venom. Tremace licked his lips. "Yes" he whispered.

As Silver began to make her way towards Argeon, Raknkop began to force Tremace towards the exit of the cave, growling at Tremace from the back of his throat. He had decided, that, no matter what, he would kill this worthless pile of scum. As Tremace backed out of the cave, Raknop quickened his pace.

"Raknop, wha - what are you trying to do?" Tremace asked. "I'm going to make you get away from Silver and Argeon ... and then I'm going to get rid of you, once and for all!" Raknop hissed.


As soon as Raknop had forced Tremace far enough out of the cave, he sprung at him, using the combined energy of anger and adrenalin to knock him to the ground. As soon as Tremace was on the ground, he became immediatly submmissive. As Tremace began to whimper, Raknop licked his lips. To kill this wolf would probably be the best thing that he had done for anybody. Slowly advancing on Tremace, he could see the others jugular vein bulging from the side of his neck.

All of a sudden, the other wolf was standing upright, and Raknop realised that the submission had been an act. Quickly regaining his composure, he pounced on the other, closing his jaws around Tremace's neck, and trying vainly to clamp down on the others life source. Finally, he had a hold. Giving an almighty snap! of his jaws, he felt a major satisfaction as Tremace's vein broke. Watching the other wolf die in his own life blood, he sat on his haunches and waited for him to finish his journey towards death.

~~~ 10 MINUTES LATER ~~~

Re-entering the cave, he found that he had Tremace's blood all over his muzzle. Advancing towards the other two wolves, he informed them that Tremace was no more. As he waited for a reply, he lowered himself onto his haunches, and tried to regain some energy.

-- Edited by psycho_wolf at 09:22, 2006-05-19

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Silverpelt and Argeon turned to each other, and looked deep into each other’s eyes. They seemed as if a great weight had been lifted off of them, setting them free from the captivity of sorrow. Here they were, looking at a beloved face that had almost vanished from history.

"Oh Argeon, you're safe! I thought that I would never see you again. But you are here! " Silver drew back and looked at him fully. Then she noticed Argeon's injuries. "But look at your legs! And your tail! Oh dear, we need to do something about that..."

Argeon ignored his injuries, and struggled to stand up. Seeing that he couldn't move from his position, he replied, "I knew that I would see you again, Tremace was wrong, I do get to tell you I love you. I love you, Silver."

"I love you, too" Silver said, as she buried her nose into Argeon's soft neckfur. Argeon returned the love, and buried his nose into her fur. The two stay in this wolf-embrace for quite a while.

Silver turned to Raknop, and she began to introduce him to Argeon.

"Raknop, this is Argeon." Silver turned and sat down beside her love. "Argeon, he saved your life... How can we ever repay you?"

Argeon humbled himself in front of the courageous wolf. "My life is in your debt"

Argeon and Silver looked up at Raknop kindly.


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Overjoyed by the fact that Argeon was not suspicious that he had been trying to take Silver away from him, Raknop replied easily "It's OK. What we should do is get you some meat and things so that your body can start to heal itself proparly"

With that, he left the two together, in search of some food.

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Watching Raknop leave the cave, the two lovers looked at each other, filled with joy in the fact that they were here together. At this moment in time, it seemed that they were alone in the world, their only world consisting of each other, the cave, and the veil of water covering the entrance. How long it seemed their hearts longed for this moment, no other wolf could fathom. This time they held the wolf-embrace longer, neither of them wanting to let go. When they did, Silver searched in vain for something to say, to break the silence.

"Argeon, you're badly hurt. Raknop is right, you need rest." She gazed at him fondly. "Time and rest is the best things for wounds and sickness."

Argeon licked her fondly. "Oh, stop fussing over me. honestly, your as bad as my mother" What were meant to be joking words were regarded coldly when the two wolves remembered the fact that they were probably the last of their pack. An akward silence followed.

"Well, death is a part of life..." Silverpelt said through small tears. "A painful part."

"At least we have each other." Argeon added. "I mean, if Raknop didn't come along, and I had somehow survived Tremace, and I had gotten help to heal from some kind soul, just to learn that you hadn't survived the fire..." He did not need to finish.

"It's all right, we're here together now. That's all that matters." Silver seemed deep in thought. "You know, we could rebuild the pack..." she stopped short when she saw Raknop at the mouth of the cave, with fresh-kill in his mouth. She would say no more, at least not for now. The subject was soon forgotten.

Silver rose to her feet as Raknop entered the cave and padded towards them.


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"Come on you guys. I found a whole litter of baby rabbits. The mother isn't there, and I killed 5 of them. Argeon, I know that you can't move very far, so I bought this one back for you. Do you mind if Silver and I leave you to eat, and we'll go and have our fill?" Raknop asked. As he waited for a reply, he walked over and layed his kill before Argeon

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"No, I dont mind..." Thougth Argeon agreed, he seemed reluctant to let his beloved leave his side. Looking down at the tempting fresh-kill, he had ignored his hunger for so long that it took him a moment to realise that he was hungry. "Thanks, Raknop."

Raknop smiled at the two wolves.

Silver knew exactly how Argeon was feeling. "It's all right Argeon, I'll make sure we finish quickly. Then we will hurry back." She looked at him fondly before turning to leave with Raknop. "I'm starved. I havent eaten scince the fire... But then again, probably none of us have."

Silverpelt turned and followed Raknop out of the cave. The barren and black land was a sad reminder to the tragedy that had formerly taken place in the valley.

Once outside of the cave, Silver felt that feeling that she often feels when she is not with Argeon, the feeling of emptyness. She felt that she was empty, but when she is with him, she feels complete. She tried to push the feelings away, and focus on the task at hand.

"So, where are we going?" she asked, glancing back behind the cascade of water, trying to get a glimpse of Argeon before they left.

-- Edited by Silverwolf22 at 18:04, 2006-05-21


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"Just over here." Raknop replied. Leading Silver across the stream, he went about 50 metres inside the Forest. Looking proudly at his fresh kill, he told Silver "Help yourself, and dig in."

Going over to one of the baby rabbits, he lowered his head and began to eat.

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Silverpelt gazed hungrily over the rabbits, chose one, and settled down with it. She was quite hungry, but had ignored her hunger like Argeon did.

As she satisfied her hunger, her mind raced, going over the possible dangers of rebuilding the pack. And also, there would be the question of dominance. The last thing that Silver wanted to see was Argeon and Raknop fighting over dominance. No, she would not let that happen. Besides, Argeon would never fight the wolf that saved his life.

"Raknop, I want to thank you again for saving Argeon. He means the world to me, and you saving him, to me, is pretty much like you saving me. I mean, if you hadnt come along, Argeon... well, you know." As Silver finished her rabbit, she looked at the remaining one that was meant to be hers. "I think I am going to bring this one back to him. Are you done eating? I mean it would be quite rude if I walked off and left you."

"Yeah, I'm done" Raknop said with a smile.

"Well, come on" Silver returned the smile, and with a flick of her tail, picked up the rabbit and turned to leave.

The two friends stopped short as they heard a noise behind them. Raknop, being the more alert of the two, whirled around to face whatever was there behind them. Silver dropped the rabbit, and turned around almost as quick.

There. There it was again. They had heard something. There was a rattling in the bush in front of them.

When the rattling stopped, there was an erie scilence, and if silence can be loud, it certainly was then.

Silver waited impatiently for something to be done.


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Raknop slowly ventured forwards, and, then he stopped. Coming out from behind a bush were not one, but three wolves! ... Where could they have come from? he thought. Oh well. Baring his teeth and snarling, readdt for an attack, he crouched on all fours.
"Hey, Kiki. That one over there looks a little defensive." One of the wolves said.
A White coloured wolf ventured forwards, and touched muzzles with his own. "Hey there. We're not going to do anything to you."
After hearing these words, Raknop stopped snarling and sat up. "OK. So you're not here to hurt us. So what are you here for?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!


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This post is closed, due to the fact that it is now merging with the Goconlow Forest topic.
If you'd like to continue to read from this post, please view the topic Labelled 'Merged - Scarred Valley and Goconlow Forest'

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged, only to find the ways in which you yourself have altered
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