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Post Info TOPIC: Wandering to the light-Bran-Open!

Omega Wolf

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Wandering to the light-Bran-Open!

It always started the same, It was dark very dark apart from a little light in the middel of the darkness. That light light got bigger and bigger and bigger, untill it was to bright to see and thats when Bran a black timberwolf kept waking from his dreams. He didnt know what they ment. They were always the same each time, Bran has these dreams quite often and quite often he would wake up because of the dream then go back to sleep and then not remember what the dream was about for a few minutes. Then he will remember the bright light burning his eyes. To him it felt real

He got up from another terrible dream and sleep, walked over to the pool of water he was by and looked at himself he was a pure black wolf with white paws. The one thing he liked about himself was that fact he had one red eye and one yellow eye then he took a long drink from the pool his pink tongue making ripples in the water. After he finished his drink he licked his muzzle and nose.

Then He started of......where he didn't know. He just had to get some food in him thats all he knew.

He was a lone wolf, not beging with other wolves makes him happy he perfers to be on his own. Walking silenty now across the forest to the jagged rock a little south of the pool, he was a good climber and there he would find sheep to eat he walked slowly to the rocks not keeping his eyes of it he began to climb.....................................

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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Rounding a corner of the mountain, Storm suddenly stopped dead. She'd come across another wolf. She asked tentatively "Hello. Who are you?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Hello, my name is Bran, and what be yours?" He asked her

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"Storm" she answered cautiously. Where is he from? she thought I've not seen him around before... Why am I thinking this? I am a Lone wolf, and by the looks of it, so is he. I wonder...
"Would you permit me to travel with you" Storm asked.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"It is nice to meet you Storm, It would be good to travle with someone, being alone........Well yes that would eb good," He said, Umm this wolf looks like a good climber to get up this mountain, I didnt think there was many wolves left up here, Oh well it would be good, to be with some one.he wondered. "Where are we going?"

The sun was high in the sky, It seemed to Bran, that his dream was ages ago.(But it was only a few hours ago) He new he would have it again very soo. 

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"We-ell ... we can go up the mountain further, or we could go down the mountain." Storm replied.
Looking carefully at his appearance, she then said "Or we could go and hunt some animals. No offence, but you look as if you need some food in you."

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Yer, I was going to catch some sheep up here, then i bumbed into you, but hey that would be good," So the to wolves set off to find some meat.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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As they walked together, they soon came across the scent of a small herd of mountain goat. Lifting her muzzle to the wind, Storm asked "Do you smell that?"
"Yes" Bran replied.
Setting off, with heads down to keep the scent, they set off to kill some goat.
Coming across the herd a small time later, they moved in perfect formation, singling out the weakest, and killing it. "Now is the time of the Hunter." Storm said, as she began to feed.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Yes lets eat," Bran enjoyed his meal with his friend he felt happy too which he hadnt been in a few days.

"What we going to do next,"His voice was muffled in meat.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"I- I'm not really sure. Would you like to continue up the hill?" Storm asked, now worried that this other wolf might think her immature.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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He gulped down a very larg bit of meat. Storm was watching him, he looked quckly away, he didnt like wolves looking at him "Yer up the hill sound goo, do you know whats up there?"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"Well ... not much really." Storm replied. Brightening, she added "But I've heard that there are a few Packs that live in mountain-side caves."

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"That will be good, perhaps we could star or join a pack? What  do you think?" He stopped winds were starting to pick up "Perhaps we need to find shelter?"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

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"Yes, there is shelter around here." Storm replied. Looking around, she saw a cave a few yards away. "Oh! Look, a cave so close!" she cried.
Walking forwards, Storm and Bran entered the cave, both taking relief from the howling winds.
Turning to face Bran, Storm said "About your suggestion. Would you like to make begin a Pack, or join one?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Well it all depends abouthe wolves around here, I have heard that the pack dont let just anybody in or somehing, well if thats the case then I think its good to start a pack of our own," He looked round the cave. Its grey walls seemed so cold he shivvered slightly. the sounds of the water drip drip dripping of the walls= reached his ears.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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"Do you hear that?" Storm asked. "Hear what?" Bran replied.
Twisting her head, Storm saw that there was a pup at the back of the cave. Padding over, she realised that it must have been abandoned, and she immediately lay close to it, trying to keep it warm.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Where did it come from?" Bran wondered aloud, "it looks hungry, I will be back in a few just to get a calf or something for the poor cub.Will you be okay?" he made sure that Storm was okay before setting out. He soon found the sheep herd a few paces to the right of the cave, he found a lamb. He crouched down, sprung and then killed the lamb. and dragged it back to the cave.

"Here we are," He stared to take pieces of meat of the calf and feeding it to the cub while Storm kept her warm

-- Edited by Psycho Wolf at 04:53, 2006-06-23

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Nosing the pup with her muzzle, Storm asked gently "What is your name little one?" After the pup had fed, she replied "What is a name? If it is a title, my mama always called me Rose."

"OK. Well, a name is what others call you. So, because your mother always called you Rose, that is your name." Bran said. "Does that mean my name is also Runt?" the little pup enquired.

Laughing, Storm said "Oh, no. Little one, your name is just Rose."

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

After Storm had asked the pup her name and Bran had told the pup what the name was he decided to be a little apart from them till keeping an eye on them. then he had smelt some ting, he had got up went to the cave opening and saw a man walking his sheep down the mountain "Man,"he said "We need to go further in the cave until he has pased,"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Posts: 314

Listening to what Bran had to say, Storm then turned to Rose and asked her "Are you able to walk? We need to go further into the cave."
Rose replied indiginantly "Yes. I can walk."
As all three of them went further into the cave, Storm focused all of her attention on trying to hear what was going on outside.
Suddenly, she heard the sound of a human exclaiming over something, and she realised that he [the human] must have found the trail of blood from the dead lamb. Bounding forwards, she said "Hurry!" to Bran, and picked Rose up by the scruff of the neck, even while the pup protested.
Going deeper and deeper into the cave, Storm suddenly realised that it wasn't a cave, but a mountain-side passage.
Placing Rose down, Storm asked Bran "Should we continue to go further in, or should we just stay here?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

Bran was sniffing the floor and air to see if it was safe "Yer go in a bit further," The wolves quickened their paces

"We will be safe for the min, unless he has brought tamed wolves in?"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Sniffing cautiously, Storm realised that the human was going past. "Nah" she said "We should be fine ... but we'll still go further."
With this, she picked Rose up once again and began to pad further into the passage.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

Bran followed Storm he was a little behind the wolf and cub, he kept checking to see if the human was there, he stopped to sniff the air he was half wanting to go back and see this human, btu then he decided against it and walked slowly and thinking about his past..

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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"Bran? Are you OK?" Storm asked, placing Rose down. They had as far as Storm thought was safe. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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"Umm," he looked over his back and shuddered I belong witht eh wolves not Hunmans!!   "Im not sure if you will like me or......," Well I'll tel her anyway and if she doesnt like it then i can just walk bcak He though

"Well.." And he began to tell her of how he was abandoned by his old pack when a human came and took him in and raised him up to what he is now then they set him free

He waited, seeing what she would do, so he decided to back away slightly. 

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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"Bran? Where are you going now?" Storm asked, as Rose looked from one to the other.
"Away." Bran said. "But why?" "Because you'll hate me now, for the way that I have been brought up." he replied.
Laughing, Storm asked "Hate you? Why should I hate you? Just because you were brought up by two-leggers does not automatically mean that I'll hate you."
As Bran began to relax, Storm began to wonder why his Birth Pack had abandoned him in the first place, when her thoughts were interrupted by a pup cuddling up against her.
Looking down, she saw Rose was trying to get comfortable. "Rose, what are you trying to do?" Storm asked. "I wanna go to sleep" the pup whined "And I don't like to sleep by myself!"
As soon as Storm layed down properly, Rose snuggled against her. "Little one?" "Yeah?" "Would you like me to become your adoptive mother?" Storm asked.
"What's that?" "Well ... its like a mama ... but she didn't give birth to you." Storm told Rose, nuzzling the pup with her muzzle. As Rose began to drift into sleep, she replied sleepily "OK. You can be my adoptive mama."

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran thanked Storm for not haveing a grudge against him. So he sat apart from the now new mother and cub. He smiled to himself at least one wolf still wanted him..

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Smiling at Bran, Storm lay down, with Rose curled up against her. For some strange, but unknown reason, Storm felt very protective of the little cub ... maybe it had something to do with being female?
Placing her muzzle on her paws, Storm finally allowed the realms of sleep to overcome her.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran made sure that Storm was fast asleep before getting up to go to the mounth of the cave. HE trotted to the opening and layed down procting the cave incase any other animal came along, he would warn them off.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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~~~ THE NEXT DAY ~~~
Waking, Storm felt something skwirm against her. A growl beginning low in her throat, she looked towards the area that had caused the sense of uncomfortableness, and realised that Rose had woken up. She quickly stopped growling.
"Rose, what is it?" Storm asked, sniffing the air. "Its Bran!" the pup squealed. "He's not in the cave!" Lurching to her feet, Storm placed her muzzle to the ground, and, following Bran's cold scent, she found him near the entrance.
Laughing, she whispered "It's OK Rose. He's fine." to the pup. Waiting for Bran to awaken, she sat on her haunches and watched Rose begin to play.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran awoke, opening his eyes he took a second or two to figger out who he was but then he remembered. He gave a sight of thanks, he didnt have the dream again he wagged his tail and saw Storm and the little cub runng towards him.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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"Bran! Bran! You're awake!" cried the little she-wolf.
Laughing, Bran replied "Yes Rose. I'm awake."
Storm looked at the male, sensing that he had positioned himself in this area for a reason. Thinking it over, she realised that he had slept here to protect the both of them. Smiling at Bran, she whispered "Thanks" then went with her adoptive-daughter to get a drink outside.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran smiled and nodded to Storm, and watched them go out side, he got up and streched and followed them, "I'll hunt for both of us, You stay here woth rose," and he went hunting,

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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"OK" Storm replied, as Bran went to hunt.
Watching Rose, she shivered at the thought of humans coming so close to the area where she had been. She didn't loath the two-leggers ... she just wasn't a big fan

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran was glade to be alone for a while, he spotted a few sheep a couple of yards away but he could smell human near by them. He stalkled a near by sheep away from the man, and killed it quitely then brought it back to the cave

"Here we go," He sat down and waited for Storm to eat first.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Dipping her head in thanks, Storm ate. Leaving more than enough for Bran, she then turned to Rose and fed her.
After they had all eaten, Storm than re-thanked Bran.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran nodded his head in agreement, and ate. He was soon full. HE got up streched and layed down, and yawned shoeing his many white teeth, Hope I dont have that dream again. He looked at storm and smiled to himself as she feed Rose, then he randomly howled.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Listening to Bran howl, Storm suddenly heard a squek. Glancing down, she saw Rose clamp her jaws shut, surprised at the sound that she'd just uttered.
Laughing, Storm encouraged her to try again, and she did. After finally beginning to howl, Rose looked at her adoptive mother and felt love tear at her heart. Whatever it was, this wolf had saved her from dying.
Finally, unable to resist any longer, Storm tilted her head back, and, muzzle parting, howled with all her might. She poured every emotion into the howl that she could ... love, joy, anger, sadness. You name it, that emotion was more than likely in her howl.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran felt at home at last, and he was happy, he sort of has a pack, and a cub. But his howl was of more joy and hppynees then of sadness, he stoppped and Storm carryed on for a while, then she to stopped, they both looked at each other. Bran got up then went over to Storm and licked her muzzle, then layed down next to her.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Looking at Bran, she asked him "Would you like to start a Pack now ... or should we wait?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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He smiled at her "Yes lests start now, i cant wait for anymore. Been on my own too long. You have made me happy Storm,"

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Giving Bran a warm smile, Storm suddenly ducked her head, overcome with shyness. Whispering, she asked "You have made me happy as well. Um, if we are to begin our own Pack, would you like to be mates?"
Hoping that he would not be offended, she waited with bated breath for a reply.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran looked at her quickly, then smiled "Yes," he told her then he walked up to her licked her maw and forhead before sitting down beside her. Now he felt like the happiest wolf. He justed hoped that he would have the dream again.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Smiling at her new mate, Storm lay down. Calling to Rose, Storm told the pup "Now you have an adoptive Father, little one." "Why is that?" Rose enquired, tilting her head to the left, a look of puzzlement spreading over her face.

"Because Bran and I are mates. This means that we are able to have pups if we so wish." Storm replied, nuzzling the pup.

Glancing over at Bran, Storm asked "What are we to call our pack?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran was in deep thought at this question, "Erm, how about Deep Sea Pack? Or OR Dark Midnight Pack?I don't mind it's really up to you," he did he wolfish grin. Then with out warning he feel asleep. A black sky but with a tiny light in the middle it got brighter and brighter it was soon so bright (This would be the bit when Bran would wake up but he didn't this time) but then he heard a new sound a laughter cold and evil he didn't no who was making this laughter. he woke up suddenly sweating slightly hope he didn't disturb his mate and Rose.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Stirring from her sleep, Storm felt Bran awake beside her. "Bran?" she mumbled. "What's the matter?"

Awakening fully, Storm glanced at Rose, and, seeing that the pup was still sleeping, looked at her mate, an expression of concern on her face.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Bran looked and reaslised that he had awaked his mate. "Erm its nothing go back to sleep. We will need to find food tomorrow. So we can survive," He didn't really wan to let her about the evil laugh.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Laying her head on her paws, Storm siad "OK"

Laying awake, she thought that she was the problem. Thinking What is it? I did nothing wrong? Could he possibly be having second thoughts over agreeing to be my mate? she finally drifted into a restless sleep.

Little did she know that there was an entirely different reason for Bran not wanting totell her what was wrong.

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!

Omega Wolf

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Posts: 118

I will have to tell her about the dream, so she will think its not her.

Bran got up and nestled close to his mate and Rose. He licked Storms head then Roses and like Storm he drifted of into a restless sleep.

I howl to those I love and to those I lost.

Co Administrator

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Posts: 314

Awakening to a new day, Storm got up and went to get a drink. Returning to the cave, she saw that Bran and Rose were also now awake.

Speaking to bran, she asked "What should we do? Should we continue up the mountain like we first planned?"

Power corrupts ... absolute power is kind of neat!!!
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